Walking in the Way

The Path Toward a Fruitful Life

 Jesus came to show us the way to life as God intended it: perfect relationships with God, others, and the world. Therefore, we need to follow Jesus in what He taught and also in how He lived. Jesus’ “way” of life demonstrates to us the way we are meant to live in order to thrive as God designed. In this series, we are going to look at several of Jesus’ “ways” and how they can enrich our lives and our relationship with God and others. Often called spiritual practices or disciplines, the “way” of Jesus is something that can be learned and must be practiced regularly in our lives. The spiritual practices are not a means of earning God’s love or favor but a means of deepening our love for Him and others and living the way that we were designed to live.


“Jesus answered, ‘I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.’” John 14:6 NIV


Spiritual Disciplines


Here are some spiritual disciplines we all can practice in our daily lives. These practices don’t save us, rather they position us to experience more of God.

Prayer and Solitude

Jesus modeled a lifestyle of devotion to God. One of His normal rhythms was dedicating time to prayer and fasting. He often withdrew from others to spend time with God in solitude. There He prayed seeking the will of God and deeper intimacy with the Father. If Jesus needed to do so, how much more the rest of us? All of us need rhythms in our lives where prayer and fasting are practiced so that we can live a life that honors God, just as Jesus did. 

Sabbath and Fasting

The sabbath is a day of the week that followers of Jesus set aside to rest, spend time with God, and enjoy all of His blessings. It is an important practice that keeps us grounded in what truly matters and is important for a healthy body and soul. The sabbath principle reveals God’s heart for us and our heart for Him; to be able to rest in His love and trust in His ways. The practice of sabbath is also an act of faith since we are told to stop our “labor.” In ancient times, not working for a day could cause crops and livestock to die. Taking a sabbath was a major act of faith and trust in God to protect and provide.

Selflessness: Generosity and Sacrifice

Like Jesus, we are called to a life of selflessness and generosity. When we look at God’s character through the person of Jesus Christ, we see His heart and a reflection of how we are to live as well. God is a Father who demonstrates perfect love.


One of the most important practices is the reading of scripture. God’s Word reveals the way of life God designed us to live and shows us how to know God deeper. Therefore, we must make scripture reading a consistent practice for us to be formed into the image of Christ and live as His disciples.

Community and Witness

One of the important factors of being a Christian is being a part of the faith community and being a witness to others in the community at large. How we serve in the church and in the community helps us be powerful witnesses to the unbelievers around us.