Life Matters

The Life Matters Ministry believes through strong marriages and families, we will build a strong church that is committed to making disciples, raising leaders, and planting churches.

Celebrate Recovery

Celebrate Recovery is a Christ-centered recovery program based on the Beatitudes in the Bible in the book of Matthew. The purpose of CR is to fellowship and celebrate God’s healing power in our lives through the 12 Steps and 8 Recovery Principles. You may be thinking that recovery is just for those with alcohol or drug problems. But as we all know, life produces all types of hurts, habits, and hang-ups. A hurt, habit, or hang-up is something that hinders our walk with God. Healing is available through applying the CR principles to our lives, which are addressed in the CR curriculum.

If ​​you are someone or know of someone who is struggling with anger, codependency, eating disorders, food issues, love and relationship addiction, physical, sexual, and or emotional abuse, drug addiction, alcoholism, sexual addiction, gambling addiction, childhood dysfunction, grief, or mental health, come and see what God is doing.

For any questions or concerns please email

Financial Peace University

Take control of your money with Financial Peace University (FPU)! This nine-lesson course uses biblical wisdom and common sense to help you tackle budgeting, pay off debt, and make your money work for you! FPU includes online videos and curriculum resources through a Financial Peace Membership.

New class schedule coming soon!

Premarital Coaching

Just as you prepare for your wedding day, Premarital Coaching will help you prepare for your marriage. You will be connected with Premarital Coaches who will partner with you through a Premarital Class consisting of a 6 part curriculum over 2 class sessions that are designed to help you build a strong and enduring marriage.

In order for one of our pastors or wedding officiants to marry you, we require you to go through Premarital Coaching. We must receive your Premarital Coaching Request at least six months to one year prior to your desired wedding date. This will allow optimum time to connect you with Premarital Coaches that would best-fit you and complete your coaching.

Classes will be held in Classroom 1 at the Main Campus Building on designated Saturdays (9:00 am - 1:00 pm).

Marriage Huddle

In our Marriage Huddle, John and Lisa Bevere, nationally known Christian speakers, and authors, teach biblical principles of marriage and share their personal stories of challenge and victory in their DVD “The Story of Marriage.” This workshop includes viewing the DVD series, followed by small group discussions and related activities. These times of reflection and repentance have led to a realignment and reuniting for many couples who have attended.


GriefShare is a Christ-centered program that helps people apply biblical principles as they deal with the emotions and life stresses following the death of a loved one. There are 13 sessions of videos and curriculum that feature respected Christian counselors and pastors who provide biblically sound advice and guidance for navigating grief. Each session will consist of a video, followed by a group discussion.