89-153 Mano Avenue Waianae, HI 96792
Service Times
In Person Services:
Sundays 10:00 am
*Beginning Sunday, April 20, our services will move to 9 am.
Nānāikapono Elementary School
89-153 Mano Ave, Waianae, HI 96792
For any updates, please check back here or follow us on Instagram @pearlsidenanakuli
We believe in the positive impact of being in person for our worship service and hope to see you come join us in a safe environment where we can together encounter a powerful and loving God!
Moku Kukonu
Site Pastor

For Students
Pearlside Kids
SUNDAY: 10:00 am
TODDLERS: Outside Breezeway
ELEMENTARY: Cafeteria Classroom
Each weekend, preschool (4 years old) through 5th graders, learn the truth about who God is and who they are because of Him through age-specific lessons, small groups, and trusted adult leadership.
Pearlside Youth
SUNDAY: 10:00 am
YOUTH: Basketball Courts
A place for middle school and high school students to grow in faith through praise and worship, a quick sermon, and some life-processing in small groups.