Pearlside Cares
As a church, we look for practical ways to serve our communities. We partner with trusted organizations to make a difference locally, nationally, and globally. Simple acts of kindness can open hearts to the love of Jesus for both those being served and those serving.
Food Distribution
In partnership with the Hawaii Foodbank's Ohana Produce Plus Program, Pearlside Church will become a food distribution center to provide for families in need. Distribution will be on the first Saturday of every month.
For more Hawaii Foodbank Distribution times & locations, click here.
Pearlside Blood Drive
Mahalo to everyone who signed up for our previous blood drives. Over the past three years of Blood Drives, we've collected 416 pints, potentially saving 1,248 lives! Thank you, Pearlside family, for your heart to sacrifice and help others during these times.
School Supply Drive
One of our values is encouraging and equipping the next generation.
At all of our weekend services from June 21-23 and June 28-30, we will be receiving brand new school supplies so children in need will have basic school supplies to start the new year.
Online giving will also be available from June 21-July 8. Givers will need to select "School Supply Drive" under Giving Type.
An Amazon Wishlist has been created to make it easier for those who choose to send their donation directly to the Pearlside Corporate Office.
• Backpacks
• 3 ring binders (1 inch - 3 inch)
• Pens (black, blue, red)
• No. 2 Pencils
• Composition notebooks
• Filler paper
• Highlighters
• Crayons
• Colored Pencils
• Markers
• 2 pocket folders
• Black Sharpie Pens
• Individually Wrapped Paper Towels
• Kleenex boxes
Food Drive
We are continuing to partner with the Hawaii Foodbank to collect canned goods for those in need in our communities.
In 2022, we were able to collect 2,881 lbs of canned goods and $25,000+ in monetary donations. Thank you Pearlside CHurch for your continued generosity and for making a difference!
You may continue to bring donations to any of our in-person services. Monetary donations can be made online by clicking the link below. Please choose “Hawaii Foodbank” under Giving Type.
• Canned Proteins (Tuna, Chicken, Spam, Vienna Sausage)
• Canned meals (Stew, Spaghetti, Chili)
• Canned Vegetables & Fruits
• Rice
After School Enrichment Program
We value the next generation! In our weekly After School Enrichment Program, we are committed to excelling students academically and advancing them to their full potential.
Who: Ages 11-18
When: Every Friday from 4:00 pm - 5:30 pm
Where: Youth Outreach Community Center