
91-559 Maunakapu Street, Ewa Beach, HI 96706

Service Times

In Person Services:

Sundays 9:00 am & 10:30 am

Honouliuli Middle School Cafeteria
91-559 Maunakapu Street, Ewa Beach, HI 96706

Social Media:

Help us get the word out to and invite someone new to our services! We hope to see you then!

Wade Inn

Kapolei Campus Pastor

    • Message notes and discussion guides can be accessed through the Pearlside App.

    • If you would like to give, you may do so on the Pearlside App or at pearlside.org/give.

    • Feel free to bring your own water bottles or flasks.

    • We will have ample parking available on site.

For Students

Pearlside Kids

SUNDAY: 9:00 am & 10:30 am

Each weekend, preschool through 5th graders, learn the truth about who God is and who they are because of Him through age-specific lessons, small groups, and trusted adult leadership.

Visit the Check-in table before service to get more information on where KIDS church will be held.

Pearlside Youth

SUNDAY: 9:00 am

A place for middle school and high school students to grow in faith through praise and worship, a quick sermon, and some life-processing in small groups.

Visit the Check-in table before service to get more information on where Youth Huddles will be held.

Upcoming Events at Kapolei


Tuesdays: Honouliuli Middle School at 7:00 pm - 7:45 pm (meet at the front entrance)
Skyline/UHWO Parking Lot at 8:30 am - 9:00 am (Mauka side of access road behind the Media Center)



