In April, we discussed the 10 Marks of Effective Group Meetings when leading our Grace Groups, which are our primary means for discipleship. We also discussed the specific areas we as leaders could improve on in order to elevate the environment of fruitfulness and growth in the discipleship of our GG members. Below is a review of the 10 marks:


1.    The leaders are prepared by reviewing and understanding the GG guide and preparing their responses to the questions. 

2.    There is a healthy relational atmosphere before the meeting starts and after it ends. New people are made to feel comfortable. 

3.    The group meeting starts and ends at a designated time. (1-1.15 hrs max) 

4.    The group size is managed to ensure everyone is comfortable and participates. 

5.    The Grace Group Discussion Guide is used and the group leader keeps the group on topic. 

6.    The main thought and passages are clearly understood by everyone. Everyone engages in the discussion. 

7.    The tripod sets the tone for transparency. 

8.    Personal takeaways and applications are clear for each person. 

9.    The group closes in prayer being sensitive to the new people in the group. 

10. Discipleship of new people happens outside of the group meetings using approved materials (PDL, O2O, PB, etc.) 


Discussion Question: 

·      Which of these best practices did you identify as ones you needed to improve last month? Share updates on how that has been going and any positive impact that it has created in your Grace Group meetings and the discipleship of the members.

·      Are there any best practices you’ve realized you still need to improve? What are some practical next steps you can take to immediately address them?



·      Pray that our members remain focused on loving God and loving others this Summer season.

·      Pray that our members would make consistent time in their week to reach out to the person or people God has called them to this year.



  • Growth Track – NO classes in June - (Main Campus, Cityside, and Kaneohe ONLY). Classes resume in July.

  • Marriage Huddle – Like a new car, a marriage traveling together upon the road of life will eventually encounter bumps or potholes that may bring misalignment or friction into the marriage relationship. In the Marriage Huddle, John and Lisa Bevere, nationally known Christian speakers and authors, teach biblical principles of marriage and share their personal stories of challenge and victory in their DVD “The Story of Marriage.” This two-day workshop includes viewing a section of the DVD, followed by small group discussions and related activities. These times of reflection and repentance have led to realignment and reuniting for many couples who have attended.

    Friday, June 28 | 7:00pm - 9:00pm
    Saturday, June 29 | 9:00am - 12:30pm
    Corporate Office (1st floor)

    $20.00 per single registrant
    $30.00 per Engaged/Married couple
    $20.00 per person for walk-in’s

    Food will be provided on both days | Walk–in’s accepted based on availability

    Register by Tuesday, June 25 (Limited to first 30 guests)

    Childcare available | $16.00 per child
    Walk-in childcare not accepted | Snack will be provided for both days

    Childcare registration deadline - Friday, June 21

  • Discipleship Track – This class is designed to lead people to healthy relationships with God and others. It will give you a deeper understanding of the gospel which will transform your life, equip you for ministry in the church and for influence in the world.



Main Campus - Worship Hall
(7:00pm - 9:00pm with Live Teaching & Food)


Childcare fees for children in 6th grade and under for all four weeks:

$20 for one child | $8 for each additional child
No refunds will be given if you are no longer able to attend.

Childcare registration deadline for JULY Discipleship Track - Monday, June 24

  • Freedom Weekend – This powerful class is designed to allow God to speak His truth to us, draw closer to us, and transform us in a powerful way. The goal of this class is to help us arise out of our sin and its effects, into a new life of freedom and victory.

- Must belong to a Grace Group and attend regularly
- Must have completed the first three chapters of One 2 One Book with a leader OR attended all steps of the Growth Track



Corporate Office - Mauka Room
(7:30pm - 10:00pm)
- AND -
Corporate Office - Mauka Room
(9:30am - 2:00pm)



Corporate Office - Mauka Room
(7:30pm - 10:00pm)
- AND -

Corporate Office - Mauka Room
(9:00am - 2:30pm)