Push People To Jesus



  • How have you been utilizing the S.A.L.T. principle from last month’s guide? Share any experience you’ve had.

Before discussion, please view the video:

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In this video, Pastor Steve Murrell briefly shares his journey to faith. As a teenager, he was introduced to Jesus through a divine connection. Ron, a new youth pastor, pursued Steve and other students with the gospel at their high school. Over the course of a year, Steve eventually gave his heart to Christ. Immediately following this conversion, Ron started a discipleship small group with Steve and other students. The goal of this group was to get these new believers to be established as disciples of Christ. Ron would ask them specific questions about reading God’s word and living God’s word. He would answer questions by pointing them back to God’s word for the answer. Ron would also ask personal questions related to moral holiness. This process of going deep into God’s word and practically living out God’s word became the foundation of Steve’s spiritual formation.

As small group leaders, our job is to push people to Jesus. We practically do this by pushing them to read God’s word and to follow up with how they are living out God’s word. The goal is to make disciples of Christ—helping others be dependent on God rather than on us small group leaders. This frees us from having to be the answer for people. We instead are motivating people to pursue Christ through prayer and His word for answers. As we push people to go deep into God’s word and hold them accountable to walk upright with God, we lay a solid discipleship foundation that gets them dependent on Him.

Discussion Questions: 

  • What challenged you about what Pastor Steve shared in his discipleship journey?

  • Are you being the answer for people or are you pushing people to God and His word for answers?

  • How can you get those you lead to engage more with God’s word as a lifestyle?

Active Application:

  • Ask those we’re discipling if they’re reading the bible. Ask what they’ve read and what did God speak to them about it. Always push them back to God’s word for answers.

  • Ask how they’re practically living out the bible. Ask personal questions about struggles and issues relating to sin. Don’t be afraid to ask tough questions. Make sure to hold them accountable to living in freedom and truth.


  • Pray for those we lead to have a hunger for God’s word.

  • Pray for God to stir in the heart of potential leaders in our group. Pray for them by name.

  • Pray that Pearlside Church would be a church of disciple-makers that make disciple-makers.


  • Pearlside Church Coronavirus (COVID-19) Perspective

Click here to read some pastoral insight to the current situation facing our state and nation.