The Importance of Relational Discipleship

The Importance of Relational Discipleship

Leadership Group Guide - November 2022 

God is calling us to live with a sense of urgency. With everything happening in the world, it is important now more than ever to share the Gospel and make disciples. At our Small Group Leaders Summit, Pastor Billy Lile taught how we can be a light in people’s lives through relational discipleship. Please review your notes for this month’s LG discussion. 

Discussion Question & Application (45 minutes): 

  1. Share what stood out to you most from the summit’s teaching. 

  2. Where is God calling you to live with a sense of urgency and who is He calling you to reach? What hardships are they facing and how is God calling you to minister to them?

  3. How can you encourage your group members to do the same?

Prayer Points (15 minutes): 

  1. Pray that our groups would commit to living with a sense of urgency and to reaching their “one”.

  2. Pray that those we are reaching will receive Jesus as Lord and Savior and begin the discipleship journey.


Legacy Offering | Starting November 25

The Legacy Offering is the annual end-of-the-year offering that we receive above and beyond the tithe designated for our mission of expansion. Gifts can be sent through the Pearlside App, online on our website, or at any of our services beginning on the last weekend of November until the end of the year.

Zoom Reimbursements Update:

We will discontinue Zoom reimbursements this year. January 2023 will be the last month we will process the 2022 reimbursements. Thank you all for your continued faithfulness in making disciples and leading Small Groups. 


Pearlside Small Group Leaders Podcast

Listen to our weekly podcast to help prepare as you lead your Small Group. This is a valuable resource that you can use to equip your apprentices to lead a cluster or prepare them to start their own group. The podcast can be accessed on our Pearlside App under Small Group Leaders Resources or through Spotify and Apple Podcasts. Search for Pearlside Small Group Leaders Podcast.



Raising the Next Small Group Leader

Raising the Next Small Group Leader

Leadership Group Guide - October 2022 

Pearlside is called to be an apostolic training center that sends church plants locally, nationally, and globally. To fulfill this calling, we must continue to raise Small Group leaders that are devoted to sharing the Gospel, making disciples, and raising new leaders. The most practical way we can do this is by equipping and empowering potential leaders in our group to one day lead their own.

Leaders equipping and empowering their “next” is a theme throughout the Bible: The prophet Elijah raised Elisha to step into the leadership mantle amongst the Old Testament prophets. The Apostle Paul empowered Timothy to lead the church in Ephesus. Jesus chose twelve disciples that eventually led the early church and advanced the Gospel after He ascended to heaven. 

Raising future leaders was part of the discipleship process and integral to the spread of the Gospel and the salvations that followed. As we continue to lead our groups, we must also identify potential new leaders, equip them in what we do, and empower them to one day lead their own group. 

FAITH is an acronym that helps identify a potential new leader:

  • Faithful: Consistent in attending the group and being on time

  • Available: Makes time for the group and the care for its members

  • Involved: Engaged in personal discipleship and group discussion and prayer

  • Teachable: Willing to receive and apply feedback

  • Hungry: Passionate for opportunities to share the Gospel, make disciples, and raise leaders

Discussion Questions (45 minutes): 

  1. Share about the person(s) you are raising in leadership and how it’s going. How have they grown in their walk with God as you’ve provided them opportunities to step up and lead?

  2. Who are the other potential leaders in your group? How can you help them grow in leadership?

  3. Share updates regarding last month’s discussion on reaching your one. What praise reports have you, or those in your group, experienced?

Prayer Points (15 minutes): 

  1. Pray for the person(s) you are raising in leadership.

  2. Pray for a multiplication of new leaders and groups at Pearlside that would be devoted to sharing the Gospel, making disciples, and raising new leaders.


All Small Group Leaders Summit

On Saturday, November 5, we will be having our Small Group Leaders Summit. This will be at the Main Campus from 9:00 am - 11:00 am. Childcare will be available and we will be providing lunch. Don’t forget to RSVP to the email that was sent out on September 26th.

Annual Contact Information Update
It’s that time of year! We would love to know the best way to get information to you. If you have any changes in your contact information, please fill out our Annual Contact Information Update form before Monday, October 31st.

Seek Week | October 25-27

Prayer and fasting are an integral part of developing our relationship with Christ. It is a time where we quiet ourselves from the distractions around us so that we can hear from God more clearly. More information on our prayer pockets will be announced within the month. Prepare your small group members to join us for one of these pockets. Visit for guidelines on how to prepare for the fast.

Pearlside Small Group Leaders Podcast

Listen to our weekly podcast to help prepare as you lead your Small Group. This is a valuable resource that you can use to equip your apprentices to lead a cluster or prepare them to start their own group. The podcast can be accessed on our Pearlside App under Small Group Leaders Resources or through Spotify and Apple Podcasts. Search for Pearlside Small Group Leaders Podcast.


Each One, Reach One

Each One, Reach One

Leadership Group Guide - September 2022 

We are stepping into a new season as a church and stepping up to be the apostolic training center and church-planting movement God has called us to. Taking the Gospel to the world may seem like an impossible calling to fulfill, but we know it’s possible as we all share the Gospel and make disciples one life at a time.

At Pearlside, “each one, reach one” is more than just a phrase—it’s a deep conviction for us to be a friend, make a friend and invite a friend into our lives until they hear the Gospel, receive Jesus as Lord and Savior, and begin their discipleship journey.

John 3:16-17 says, “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him.” 

God’s love for us and the world is why we passionately share the Gospel and reach our one. Before we got saved, we were someone else’s “one”. As we enter this exciting new season as a church, it’s our responsibility to ensure that the heart of “each one, reach one” is a personal conviction that we all live out.

Discussion Questions (45 minutes): 

  1. Share about the person(s) you are reaching out to and how it’s going. What is God teaching you as you remain obedient in reaching them? 

  2. How can you encourage your group to remain obedient in reaching their “one” as well?

  3. Share any updates from your group regarding last month’s discussion on new group pockets (i.e. a second pocket, a branch, or a new group for new people). What praise reports have come from these new pockets?

Prayer Points (15 minutes): 

  1. Pray that God will soften the heart of the person you are reaching, and that they’d be open to beginning a relationship with Jesus.

  2. Pray that each member of your group will reach their “one” this year.


Small Group Leaders Summit | November 5

On Saturday, November 5, we will be having our Small Group Leaders Summit. This will be at the Main Campus from 9:00 am - 11:00 am. Childcare will be available and we will be providing lunch. Save the date! An email invitation will be sent out to all Small Group Leaders in the later half of September. We are excited to see you there!

Freedom Weekend 

Freedom Weekend is a powerful class designed to allow God to speak His truth to us, draw closer to us, and transform us in a powerful way. The goal of this class is to help us arise out of our sin and its effects, into a new life of freedom and victory.



- Must belong to a Small Group and attend regularly.

- Must have completed the One2One Book with a leader.


Main Campus (Members from all congregations are welcome to attend.)

Women’s Freedom Weekend: Saturday, September 17

Men’s Freedom Weekend: Saturday, October 8


Register at 


Pearlside Small Group Leaders Podcast 

Listen to our weekly podcast to help prepare as you lead your Small Group. This is a valuable resource that you can use to equip your apprentices to lead a cluster or prepare them to start their own group. The podcast can be accessed on our Pearlside App under Small Group Leaders Resources or through Spotify and Apple Podcasts. Search for Pearlside Small Group Leaders Podcast.

Pearlside Small Group Leaders App Tutorial

How to Add/Remove Members from your Roster on the Pearlside APP


Creating More Small Group Pockets

Creating More Small Group Pockets

Leadership Group Guide - August 2022

In 2 Kings 4:1-7, a poor woman reaches out to the prophet Elisha. Her husband died and she feared losing her children to creditors to pay their debts. Elisha instructed her on what to do how to experience God’s provision:

“Now the wife of one of the sons of the prophets cried to Elisha, ‘Your servant my husband is dead, and you know that your servant feared the Lord, but the creditor has come to take my two children to be his slaves.’ And Elisha said to her, ‘What shall I do for you? Tell me; what have you in the house?’ And she said, ‘Your servant has nothing in the house except a jar of oil.’ Then he said, ‘Go outside, borrow vessels from all your neighbors, empty vessels and not too few. Then go in and shut the door behind yourself and your sons and pour into all these vessels. And when one is full, set it aside.’ So she went from him and shut the door behind herself and her sons. And as she poured they brought the vessels to her. When the vessels were full, she said to her son, ‘Bring me another vessel.’ And he said to her, ‘There is not another.’ Then the oil stopped flowing. She came and told the man of God, and he said, ‘Go, sell the oil and pay your debts, and you and your sons can live on the rest.’” (2 Kings 4:1-7 ESV)

God continued to pour out the oil to pay for the woman’s debt as long as she had available jars to fill. Once she ran out of jars, the oil stopped flowing. Similarly, there is a harvest of lives that God has called us to reach and disciple through our Small Groups. Just like the woman, if we provide the “jars,” of new small groups, God will faithfully pour in the people.

We can practically create new “jars” by opening a second pocket at a different day/time for our current group, branching our existing group, or by starting a new group for new people.

Discussion Question & Application (45 minutes): 

  1. Share: who are the new people that you or the members in your group are passionate about reaching out to and discipling?

  2. Could your group open a second pocket, branch, or start a new group for new people? If so, who could be empowered to lead this new pocket and when could you start it? (Note: A new or branched group has a leader, apprentice and at least two other members).

Prayer Points (15 minutes): 

  1. Pray that our groups would step out in faith and start new pockets to reach and  disciple the harvest.

  2. Pray for the specific people or people groups that you and those in your group can start a new pocket with.


Financial Peace University

Take control of your money with Financial Peace University. This nine-lesson course uses biblical wisdom and common sense to help you tackle budgeting, pay off debt, and make your money work for you! FPU includes online videos and curriculum resources through a Financial Peace Membership. For more info and to register for classes starting on September 6, visit

Pearlside Small Group Leaders Podcast 

Listen to our weekly podcast to help prepare as you lead your Small Group. This is a valuable resource that you can use to equip your apprentices to lead a cluster or prepare them to start their own group. The podcast can be accessed on our Pearlside App under Small Group Leaders Resources or through Spotify and Apple Podcasts. Search for Pearlside Small Group Leaders Podcast.

Start New Small Group/Close Small Group

Below are instructions on how to either report a new small group or closed small group.

New and Closed Small Group (App)

New and Closed Small Group (Website)


Small Group Best Practices

Small Group Best Practices

Leadership Group Guide - July 2022

Despite the busyness of the summer months, we are still called to share the Gospel and make disciples. We believe that discipleship happens best through our Small Groups, which is why it’s the most important thing we do. To effectively lead and facilitate our groups, please review these seven best practices:

Opening a Second Pocket in the Week: In any given week, schedules can change, preventing people from being able to attend the scheduled group day and time. Consider opening a second pocket for group in the week on a different time and/or day- in person or online- to provide another opportunity for relational discipleship to happen. The second pocket can be led by the group leader, apprentice, or anyone else the leader empowers to facilitate. Attendance for both pockets can be combined in the weekly attendance count.

Clustering: When there are more than five people, cluster into groups of 3-5 by empowering another facilitator. A smaller cluster for discussion enables deeper relationships, provides more time for sharing, and creates a more intimate environment for deeper discussion and prayer.

Empowering Others: Small Group is a great place to give other members opportunities to grow in their leadership. Empower others to facilitate the group meeting, lead a cluster, start a second pocket in the week, and/or help with group communications (i.e. getting RSVPs, submitting the group attendance and, following up with those who couldn’t attend, etc.).

Attendance RSVPs: Rather than waiting until the day of group, send an initial RSVP two or three days in advance. This enables leaders to have an idea of what attendance will look like and what adjustments need to be made for the week (i.e. adjusting the day and/or time, opening a second pocket, etc.). A final reminder can be sent out the day of group. This also provides accountability for members to attend.

Starting and Finishing on Time: We always want to honor one another’s time. Start and end the meeting on time, and encourage members to come on time.Those running late can join the discussion when they arrive. The recommended duration of group should be an hour to an hour and fifteen minutes. Fellowship can happen before and after the designated group meeting times.

Remaining Focused on the Guide: Our group discussions are sermon-based, which allow us to go deeper in applying God’s Word and the weekend message to our lives. Although some may want to talk about other topics or hot-button issues, facilitators must bring the focus back to the guide to prevent the discussion from going off-topic. Other topics can be discussed before or after group meetings.

Making Time for the Prayer Points: Praying for one another and those we are reaching is an important part of group. End the discussion portion of the guide in the time allotted in order to thoroughly pray through each point. Consider praying in groups of two or three to maximize prayer and ministry time.

Discussion Question & Application (45 minutes): 

  1. Which of the seven best practices does your group need to improve on? How can addressing these areas improve the quality of your group and your members’ discipleship? Share practical ways you can implement these best practices moving forward. 

  2. Along with your apprentice, who are others in the group that you can empower? What could you have them do? After identifying them, discuss these potential roles with them this week.

Prayer Points (15 minutes): 

  1. Pray that our groups would remain focused in sharing the Gospel and making disciples.

  2. Pray for a wave of new leaders, new groups, and for the harvest to get connected into these groups to begin discipleship.


Pearlside Small Group Leaders Podcast

Listen to our weekly podcast to help prepare as you lead your Small Group. This is a valuable resource that you can use to equip your apprentices to lead a cluster or prepare them to start their own group. The podcast can be accessed on our Pearlside App under Small Group Leaders Resources or through Spotify and Apple Podcasts. Search for Pearlside Small Group Leaders Podcast

Pearlside App Tutorials

How to connect your mobile number to the Pearlside App

How to record your Small Group Attendance on the Pearlside App

How to record your Small Group Attendance through your email


Be The Salt and Light

Be The Salt and Light

Leadership Group Guide - June 2022

Matthew 5 accounts for Jesus’ sermon on the mount where He teaches the disciples the beatitudes. After the teaching, Jesus tells them that those who face persecution and hardship in His name are blessed. Ultimately, Jesus is preparing their hearts to love those they are called to reach with His love despite the persecution they will experience by doing so. Jesus didn’t want fear to hold the disciples back, but rather their love for others to move them forward. Jesus says to the disciples:

13“You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot. 14 You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden.           15 Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead, they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. 16In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.” (Matthew 5:13-16 NIV)

Despite global unrest, national tragedies, economic uncertainty, and personal hardships, we must continue to be the “salt and light” to others around us. There are many suffering without the eternal hope of Christ, and although the world may say pull back and pull away from relationships for convenience and safety, Jesus teaches the opposite. His church must continue to move forward in loving God, loving others, sharing the Gospel, and making disciples. 

As we’ve discussed, one practical way for ourselves and our Small Group members to be the salt and light is to remain relationally connected with the person or family God has placed on our hearts to reach. Despite the busy summer months, we must intentionally and consistently make time for them in our lives, ask how they are doing, listen to what they are experiencing, pray for them and serve them when possible. In building friendship and trust, the opportunity to share the Gospel will surface, and when it does, we must share the Gospel and believe they will receive the eternal hope of Christ.

Jesus calls us to change the world by being the salt and light in it. Despite the hardships we may face, we know God will use us mightily to change the world one life at a time.

Discussion Question (15 minutes): 

  1. Who is the one person that God is calling you to be the salt and light to? How are you personally making time in your life to stay connected with them?

  2. On a scale of 1-10 (1 being not at all and 10 being always), how would you rate your Small Group as a whole in being salt and light to their one? How can you encourage everyone in your group to stay connected with their one?


  1. Ask each member in Small Group this week who is the person they are being the salt and light to. Encourage each member to make time for their life to ask how they are doing, what they need prayer for, how they can practically serve them, and even share the Gospel with them.

Prayer Points (15 minutes): 

  1. Pray that our church would remain focused this summer on loving God, loving others, sharing the Gospel, and making disciples. 

  2. Pray for the salvation and ongoing discipleship of the one person or family God has placed on your heart to reach.

  3. Pray that our church would reach the harvest and that we’d see many people receive Jesus as their Lord and Savior or recommit their life to Him.


  • ANNOUNCEMENTS: Growth Track

    Our faith is not designed to be static, rather God desires all believers to grow in their faith. In this 4-week session class, we will learn how to grow in our relationship with God through the essential practices of Christianity which include: knowing God, following God, discovering your purpose, and making a difference by helping others do the same.

    Main Campus Growth Track Registration

    Downtown Growth Track Registration

    Kapolei Growth Track Details

  • Discipleship Track

    Over the course of four weeks, you will gain a deeper understanding of the gospel which will transform your life, equip you for ministry in the church, and for influence in the world. 

    Discipleship Track at Main Campus - Registration

  • Freedom Weekend(Men’s) Saturday, June 18 & (Women’s) Saturday, July 16 | Pearlside Main CampusA powerful class designed to allow God to speak His truth to us, draw closer to us, and transform us in a powerful way. The goal of this class is to help us arise out of our sin and its effects into a new life of freedom and victory. For more information and to register, go to

  • Zoom Reimbursement
    We will continue to reimburse Zoom “Pro Package” subscriptions until further notice. This will enable you to keep hosting virtual Zoom meetings and not neglect meeting as a small group.

    Once you have received your Zoom Pro invoice for the month, kindly forward them directly to in a timely manner. Thank you, leaders, for continuing to shepherd your people well during this time.


Leading with a Shepherd's Heart

Leading with a Shepherd's Heart


In Acts 20, the Holy Spirit prompts the Apostle Paul to minister in Jerusalem. Knowing his life will be in danger, he writes an important farewell message to the leaders of the church in Ephesus. Paul reminds them that the Holy Spirit has called them to be shepherds to their “flock” of church members and that it’s their responsibility to oversee their members’ spiritual health and growth, while also strengthening their faith amid persecution and spiritual attack. This is done through discipleship. 

Paul says in Acts 20:28, “Keep watch over yourselves and all the flock of which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers. Be shepherds of the church of God, which he bought with his own blood.”

Similar to the Ephesian Church’s leaders, we as Small Group leaders are also shepherds to the members of our Small Group (our flock) as well as those in our church that are new in their faith and/or new to Pearlside. We must help every member know God, follow God, discover their purpose, and make a difference in the world while helping others do the same. We do this relationally through our discipleship process.

We are in the midst of a harvest window, and there have been many who recently received Jesus as their Lord and Savior or have re-recommitted their life to Him. It is important that these individuals begin the discipleship process of growing in their relationship with God and with others. As leaders, it should be our heart to shepherd them to discipleship. Here are some important next steps of discipleship we can encourage them to take:

  • Growing in God (Classes): To help new believers or those new to Pearlside grow in their walk with God, we encourage them to attend our Growth Track which lays a foundation in our faith in Jesus and in being part of our church family. Our Discipleship Track goes deeper in teaching what it means to be a disciple of Christ.

  • Growing in Relationships (Connection): We know that relationships are an important part of our spiritual growth, and joining a Small Group and actively Serving in church helps foster a greater sense of connection in our relationship with God and also with others.


  • Ways for someone to take their next step:

    • Visit the Next Step Center after service with you or the person that invited them. 

    • Scan the QR code on the bulletin or on-screen during service.

    • Go to the Next Step sections at or the Pearlside App.

    • Fill out the Next Step card in the seatbacks in the sanctuary, then bring it to the Next Step Center.

  • Growth Track at Main Campus (available for other congregations to attend)

    • In-person

      • Sundays, June 5, 12, 19, & 26

      • 9:15am - 10:15am

      • Main Campus - Classroom 1

    • Online

      • Thursdays, June 2, 9, 16, & 23

      • 6:30pm - 7:30pm

  • Discipleship Track at Main Campus (available for other congregations to attend)

    • In-person only

      • Sunday, July 3, 10, 17, & 24

      • 11:15am - 12:15pm

      • Main Campus - Classroom 1

Prayer Points: (25-30 minutes)

  • Pray that those who are new to faith or new to our church would begin their discipleship journey by taking their next step in growing in their relationship with God and with others.

  • Pray for the salvation of the one person or family you are sharing the Gospel with.


  • Zoom Reimbursement
    We will continue to reimburse Zoom “Pro Package” subscriptions until further notice. This will enable you to keep hosting virtual Zoom meetings and not neglect meeting as a small group.

    Once you have received your Zoom Pro invoice for the month, kindly forward them directly to in a timely manner. Thank you, leaders, for continuing to shepherd your people well during this time.

  • Freedom Weekend
    (Men’s) Saturday, June 18 & (Women’s) Saturday, July 16 | Pearlside Main Campus
    A powerful class designed to allow God to speak His truth to us, draw closer to us, and transform us in a powerful way. The goal of this class is to help us arise out of our sin and its effects into a new life of freedom and victory. For more information and to register, go to


Leaving the Ninety-Nine for the One

Leaving the Ninety-Nine for the One


“Now the tax collectors and sinners were all gathering around to hear Jesus. 2But the Pharisees and the teachers of the law muttered, ‘This man welcomes sinners and eats with them.’ 3Then Jesus told them this parable: 4‘Suppose one of you has a hundred sheep and loses one of them. Doesn’t he leave the ninety-nine in the open country and go after the lost sheep until he finds it? 5And when he finds it, he joyfully puts it on his shoulders 6and goes home. Then he calls his friends and neighbors together and says, ‘Rejoice with me; I have found my lost sheep.’ 7I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent.’” (Luke 15:1-7 NIV) 

In Luke 15:1-7, the Pharisees are upset that Jesus is spending time with tax collectors and sinners. In response to their grievances, Jesus tells a parable about an owner of 100 sheep. This owner leaves the ninety-nine sheep when one goes missing and is full of joy and celebration when he finds and brings his lost sheep home. Jesus then compares the lost sheep being found to someone repenting of their sins: “there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent.” (v. 7).

Jesus shares this parable to address why He left the comforts of heaven and came to earth—to seek and save the lost so that even “one lost sheep” could repent of their sins, receive the gift of salvation, and have eternal life. The Pharisees did not understand that Jesus’ heart broke for the lost, which is why Jesus regularly spent time in relationship with sinners. As Christ-followers, our hearts should also break for the lost around us and like Jesus, we must also be present in their life. 

God has placed “lost sheep” in our family, friend groups, working places, and campuses for the sole purpose so that we could one day share the Gospel with them and that they would repent of their sins, receive Jesus as their Lord, and Savior, and “return home” into Jesus’ loving arms here on earth, and then one day in eternity. For that to happen, we must all leave the comforts of our Christian circles (the ninety-nine) and go after our “one,” just as Jesus did.

Discussion Questions: (15 minutes)

  • Who is the one person (whether unchurched or de-churched) that God is calling you to “leave the ninety-nine” for? Share why God has placed this person on your heart.


  • Ask each member in Small Group this week who their “one” is. Encourage each member to stay close with them and to look for opportunities to pray for them, serve them, and share the Gospel with them.

Prayer Points: (25-30 minutes)

  • Pray for the salvation and ongoing discipleship of the person God has placed on your heart to reach.

  • Pray that your group would grow and be filled with new people coming into a relationship with Jesus.


Zoom Reimbursement
Due to the ongoing pandemic and the uncertainties of people's schedules, we will continue to reimburse Zoom “Pro Package” subscriptions until further notice. This will enable you to keep hosting virtual Zoom meetings and not neglect meeting as a small group.

Once you have received your Zoom Pro invoice for the month, kindly forward them directly to in a timely manner. Thank you, leaders, for continuing to shepherd your people well during this time.

Easter At Pearlside | April 15-17
One historic event changed everything. It changed the course of human history, and it can change your life. More than 2,000 years ago, Jesus rose from the dead. Two centuries later, that one event is still radically changing lives: bringing rest to the weary, peace to the anxious, hope to the hopeless. Come and experience how Jesus Changes Everything! 

For more information and digital invites, go to

Marriage Huddle | April 23
Saturday, 9:00am - 3:00pm @ Main Campus
When marriages encounter bumps or potholes this may bring misalignment or friction into the marriage relationship. In our Marriage Huddle, John and Lisa Bevere, nationally known Christian speakers and authors, teach biblical principles of marriage and share their personal stories of challenge and victory in their DVD “The Story of Marriage.” This workshop includes viewing the DVD series, followed by small group discussions and related activities. These times of reflection and repentance have led to realignment and reuniting for many couples who have attended. Cost: $20 per married couple / Childcare available, $5 per child.

For more information and to register, go to


Small Group Leaders Summit

Small Group Leaders Summit


For this month’s Leadership Group, we will discuss lessons from our last Small Group Leaders Summit. We celebrated our vision and mission, highlighted by the commissioning of Pearlside Church Kaneohe, led by Pastor Kei and Chanelle Omo. In addition, we shared how we can move our groups forward in faith into this season of harvest. 

For those who could not attend or would like to review the session, you can access the recording and notes on the Pearlside App by clicking “Resources” > “Small Group Leaders Resources” > “Leadership Summits” > password: leader or by clicking the link here: Leadership Summits.

Discussion Questions: (25-30 minutes)

  1. What stood out and resonated with you from the summit? Why?

  2. What adjustments do you think you need to make in your small group to prepare for the harvest? What practical steps will you take?

Prayer Points: (25-30 minutes)

  1. Pray that each of our small group members would embrace vision and mission and take personal ownership in making disciples, raising leaders, and planting churches.

  2. Pray that God would bring an end to war in Ukraine and that the hope of Christ would unite our world during these times.


Zoom Reimbursement
Due to the ongoing pandemic and with the uncertainties of people's schedules, we will continue to reimburse Zoom “Pro Package” subscriptions until further notice. This will enable you to keep hosting virtual Zoom meetings and not neglect meeting as a small group.

Once you have received your Zoom Pro invoice for the month, kindly forward them directly to in a timely manner. Thank you, leaders, for continuing to shepherd your people well during this time.

Next Gen Weekend  |  March 18-20
Pearlside Church values the next generation and our passion is to see them live out their God-given calling and destiny. From Friday, March 18, through Sunday, March 20, Pearlside will celebrate Next Gen Weekend. Our College and Young Adults Ministry will be hosting our Every Nation Campus Conference Friday night through Saturday night, while our Middle School and High School Ministries will be having special services during their regular times throughout the weekend.

To make room for our Every Nation Campus Conference, our Friday and Saturday adult services on that weekend will be consolidated to the Sunday AM and PM services.

If you have any middle schoolers, high schoolers, college students, or young adults in your life, please encourage them to join in on Next Gen Weekend. We know God is going to do great things in and through the lives of every young person that attends.

Every Nation Campus Conference  |  March 18-19
Friday & Saturday @ Main Campus
Every year, thousands of students around the world gather together in different cities to experience powerful life-change and be equipped to make disciples on their campuses. This conference brings a mixture of celebration and empowerment. Connections are made. The gospel is preached. Students come together to share testimonies and reunite with friends. They grow deeper in their relationship with God, and some even receive their call into full-time campus ministry.

Events will look different around the world, but the goal will always be the same: empower students to make disciples on their campuses. For more information and to register, go to

Annual Financial Meeting  |  March 30
Wednesday, 7:00pm @ Main Campus
Pearlside’s annual financial meeting will be held on Wednesday, March 30 at Main Campus in ENLI 1 at 7:00pm. This meeting is open to all regularly tithing members. If you are interested in attending, please RSVP by calling the office at (808) 484-0061 by Monday, March 21 at 5:00pm.


What Are My Next Steps? Leading Others Toward Continued Spiritual Growth

What Are My Next Steps? Leading Others Toward Continued Spiritual Growth


“So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, 12to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up 13until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ. 14Then we will no longer be infants, tossed back and forth by the waves, and blown here and there by every wind of teaching and by the cunning and craftiness of people in their deceitful scheming.15Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will grow to become in every respect the mature body of him who is the head, that is, Christ. 16From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work.” (Ephesians 4:11-16 NIV)

Ephesians 4 teaches that Jesus gives specific members of the church leadership roles to build the body of Christ (v. 12). This God-given calling for church leaders produces unity as every believer matures in their faith (v. 13), prevents the enemy from being able to deceive believers (v. 14), and allows each believer to take their next step in their walk with God and their role in the church (v. 15). As members of the church continue to grow in their faith, the church is strengthened in Christ as the mission to share the Gospel and make disciples continues (v. 16).

Throughout the season we’ve been in, many of our Small Group members, including ourselves, have experienced disruption in different areas of life. However, as SG leaders, it is our God-given calling to lead our members through the disruptions and shepherd each individual to grow in their walk with God and apprenticeship to Jesus by taking their next step (i.e. One2One discipleship, daily devotions, Pearlside classes, water baptism, joining a Serve Team, sharing the Gospel with others, etc.). As we mature in our faith and lead our members to do so as well, we know that God will continue to work mightily in and through us all for our good, His glory, and the salvation of others.

Following the discussion, take time to pray focused and fervent prayers for the points listed. As we continue to lead and shepherd our people in their journey of faith, let’s believe to see each member of our church—new and old—take their next step and grow in their walk with God.

Discussion Questions: (25-30 minutes)

  1. What are the next steps of faith God has called you to take in your own spiritual journey? What must you do to remain obedient to God in this area?

  2. What are some of the next steps of faith you can help the members of your SG take in this season (i.e. One 2 One discipleship, daily devotions, water baptism, Pearlside classes, joining a Serve Team, sharing the Gospel with others, etc.)? How can you lead your SG members to take these steps of faith individually and/or together?

Prayer Points: (25-30 minutes)

  1. Pray for faith to arise in the church locally, nationally, and globally as the Gospel is being shared and new believers are being discipled.

  2. Pray that our people would continue to take steps of faith and grow in their walk with God.

  3. Pray that those in your life currently experiencing hardship would experience God’s healing, breakthrough, and blessing.

  4. Pray for friends, family, and loved ones to come to the Lord.


Zoom Reimbursement
Due to the ongoing pandemic and with the uncertainties of people's schedules, we will continue to reimburse Zoom “Pro Package” subscriptions until further notice. This will enable you to keep hosting virtual Zoom meetings and not neglect meeting as a small group.

Once you have received your Zoom Pro invoice for the month, kindly forward them directly to in a timely manner. Thank you, leaders, for continuing to shepherd your people well during this time.

Seek Week  |  February 15 - 17
Tuesday - Thursday
As a church, we will be having a time of prayer and fasting. Aside from personal prayers, we invite you to join us as we pray and believe for specific things in our church for 2022! For fasting guidelines, prayer pockets, and to download a devotional booklet, go to

Small Group Leader’s Meeting  |  February 26
Saturday, 9:00am - 11:30am @ Main Campus
Join us for a time of vision casting for what God wants to do in and through us in 2022 and beyond. Check your email for the registration link.

Discipleship Track  |  March 6 - 27
Sundays, during 11:15am service @ Main Campus
Over the course of four weeks, you will gain a deeper understanding of the gospel which will transform your life, equip you for ministry in the church, and for influence in the world. For more information and to register, go to

Freedom Weekend - Men & Women  |  March 12
Saturday, 9:00am @ Main Campus (Men - The Hub / Women - Worship Center) 
A powerful class designed to allow God to speak His truth to us, draw closer to us, and transform us in a powerful way. The goal of this class is to help us arise out of our sin and its effects into a new life of freedom and victory. For more information and to register, go to

Every Nation Campus Conference  |  March 18-19
Friday & Saturday @ Main Campus
Every year, thousands of students around the world gather together in different cities to experience powerful life-change and be equipped to make disciples on their campuses. This conference brings a mixture of celebration and empowerment. Connections are made. The gospel is preached. Students come together to share testimonies and reunite with friends. They grow deeper in their relationship with God, and some even receive their call into full-time campus ministry.

Events will look different around the world, but the goal will always be the same: empower students to make disciples on their campuses. For more information and to register, go to

Abide in Christ: The Power of Prayer When Connected to the Source

Abide in Christ: The Power of Prayer When Connected to the Source


“I am the true vine, and my Father is the vinedresser. 2 Every branch in me that does not bear fruit he takes away, and every branch that does bear fruit he prunes, that it may bear more fruit. 3 Already you are clean because of the word that I have spoken to you. 4 Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in me. 5 I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing. 6 If anyone does not abide in me he is thrown away like a branch and withers; and the branches are gathered, thrown into the fire, and burned. 7 If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you. 8 By this my Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit and so prove to be my disciples.” (John 15:1-8 ESV) 

In John 15:1-8, Jesus shares with His disciples the following illustration: His Father is the vinedresser (gardener), Jesus is the vine, and His disciples are the branches. As disciples, if we abide and remain connected to Jesus, we will bear fruit in our life (v. 5), God will answer our prayers (v. 7), and His glory will be revealed to others (v. 8). Conversely, if we are apart from Jesus, we will not bear fruit (v. 6). 

We’re experiencing yet another surge in this pandemic that has created fear, worry, and hopelessness in people’s lives. Yet, as Christ-followers we rest in the fact that God is faithful and as His plans and purposes will come to pass if we abide and remain connected to Jesus while also shepherding our Small Group members to do the same. We must continue to share the Gospel, make disciples, and pray boldly and confidently that God will make a way and that His will be done. 

After going over the discussion questions, please set aside time for focused and fervent intercessory prayer of the prayer points listed. Let’s believe in faith that God will move mightily in our prayer time together and that 2022 will be a fruitful year of disciple-making as we abide and remain connected to Christ.

Discussion Questions (25-30 minutes):

  1. How are you abiding and remaining in Christ during the current state of the pandemic? What challenges are you facing as you abide in Him?

  2. How are your Small Group members doing during the current state of the pandemic? Has faith remained or has it wavered? As their leader, how can you help shepherd them to abide and remain in Christ while also living on mission for God and others?

Prayer Points (25-30 minutes):

  1. Pray that our people will continue to abide in Christ throughout this difficult season.

  2. Pray that those currently suffering around us will experience breakthroughs and blessings.

  3. Pray for family, friends, and loved ones to come to the Lord.

  4. Pray that God would crush this pandemic once and for all.


Zoom Reimbursement
Due to the ongoing pandemic and with the uncertainties of people's schedules, we will continue to reimburse Zoom “Pro Package” subscriptions until further notice. This will enable you to keep hosting virtual Zoom meetings and not neglect meeting as a small group.

Once you have received your Zoom Pro invoice for the month, kindly forward them directly to in a timely manner. Thank you, leaders, for continuing to shepherd your people well during this time.

Seek Week postponed until Feb. 15-17
We are excited to be having our first 2022 Seek Week from February 15-17. This will allow many who are traveling and adjusting back from the holidays to be focused, available, and in full health as we come together in prayer and fasting. Looking forward to seeking the Lord together! 

End of Year Giving Statements
Church, thank you for your faithfulness and generosity in 2021! Through your generosity, we were able to continue to be an extension of God’s hope and provision to the world around us. We will be sending out giving statements to your email on file. If you would like to request a paper statement, please request it by filling out the form at

Hope for the Holidays

Hope for the Holidays


Seasons of crisis can erode hope causing us to live in fear and hinder us from being witnesses for the Gospel. Biblical hope is defined as a “confident expectation” of a better future in this life, and more importantly, in Heaven because of Christ. It is this confidence that enables us to overcome earthly trials and fuels bold and selfless living for God and others. 

“I do not cease to give thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers, that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and of revelation in the knowledge of him, having the eyes of your hearts enlightened, that you may know what is the hope to which he has called you, what are the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints, and what is the immeasurable greatness of his power toward us who believe, according to the working of his great might that he worked in Christ when he raised him from the dead and seated him at his right hand in the heavenly places…” (Ephesians 1:16-20 ESV)

We all know of family members, friends, neighbors, and coworkers that have, or are currently, suffering due to various circumstances and situations. In His sovereignty, God has placed us in their lives so that we can share the eternal hope of Christ. We do this by building relationships with them, sharing the Gospel, praying for their needs, serving them when possible, and ultimately believing for their salvation and relationship with God to begin.

As our state opens up and we enter the holiday season, we must remain focused on sharing the Gospel with those God has placed in our lives. As we do so, we know that God will radically transform their lives and that they will also become witnesses for Christ and bring God’s hope to others.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Who are the people that God has placed in your life to share the hope of Christ with this season? How are you intentionally building relationships and sharing the Gospel with them? How will you encourage your SG members to also reach those God has placed in their lives? 

  2. What are some ways your SG can serve those who are in need this holiday season? In the announcements section below, we’ve provided some Pearlside Cares opportunities you can consider.

Prayer Points:

  1. Pray that every Christian would intentionally and consistently share the hope of Christ with those God has placed on their hearts.

  2. Pray for the salvation of those you are believing for and that they would begin their discipleship journey.

  3. Pray for God’s spirit to move in our state, nation, and world, and that global awakening would lead to a harvest of salvation and discipleship like never before. 

Pearlside Cares Opportunities:

  • Toy Drive
    Join us in bringing hope to families and children this Christmas. Please bring new unwrapped toys to any of our weekend services on November 19, 20, 21 & November 26, 27, 28.

    Toy distribution dates will be December 1, 2, 3 & December 8, 9, 10. If you know of a child in need, we would love to be a blessing - no questions asked. Someone from our team will be there to help you. Let's make sure every child within our reach is blessed this Christmas.

  • Food Bank Distribution - November 6 & December 4
    In partnership with the Hawaii Foodbank ‘Ohana Produce Plus Program, Pearlside Church becomes a food distribution center to provide for families in need. Distribution will be on the first Saturday of every month.

For more information on any of our Pearlside Cares initiatives, go to

Zoom Reimbursement:
As the state slowly begins to reopen, we will continue our Zoom “Pro Package” subscription reimbursements until the end of December. If you have already received your November receipt, kindly email them directly to November and December Zoom invoices need to be submitted by the end of 2021.

As we continue to move forward in faith and emerge out of this pandemic, let’s continue to encourage our groups to meet in person. Thank you, leaders, for continuing to shepherd your people well during this time.

Fresh Start - Every First Sunday of the Month (Main Campus Only)
This class is for both those who are new in their faith and for believers who just transferred to Pearlside.

Growth Track - Sunday, November 14, 21, & 28 (Main Campus Only)
This is a 3 session class where we will learn how to follow God through the essential practices of Christianity which include how to grow in a spiritual community, how to read the Bible, and how to pray.

For more information or to register for any of our classes, go to

Leading Through Change

Leading Through Change


Seasons of life will inevitably change as we all have experienced over the last year and a half. Although change can cause uncertainty and fear, we can rest in the sovereign assurance that God—who knows everything from beginning to end—will keep us anchored to His love through our relationship with Jesus, the only constant we have in this world:

“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” (Hebrews 13:8 NIV)

Our faith in Jesus tethers us to the promise of God’s all-encompassing care despite the uncertainty or fear that change may surface. Many of us and our Small Group members are experiencing drastic changes in the rhythms of work, health, their children’s schooling, finances, and everyday life. As leaders, it is paramount that we remind our members that their absolute hope lies in the unchanging nature of their relationship with Jesus. 

The current season of trial we are in will come to an end. Until then, we must all continue to live on mission by sharing the Gospel which is our sure foundation in Christ and making disciples in a world that is in desperate need of God’s hope and love. After all, no matter what changes may come, we know God is faithful:

“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” (Romans 8:28 NIV)

Discussion Questions:

  1. Are there any seasons of change you are personally experiencing? If so, share about the change and how you are trusting God with it.

  2. Are there any seasons of change your Small Group members are experiencing? How has it impacted their walk with God? Share how you are leading and shepherding them to trust Jesus with the changes, while also remaining on mission for others.

Prayer Points:

  1. Pray that the faith of every member of our church would grow as they trust God in the seasons of change they are experiencing.

  2. Pray for current members to return back to in-person services and small groups.

  3. Pray for healing and God’s peace over those currently battling the COVID 19 virus.

  4. Pray that the pandemic would finally come to an end and that the COVID 19 virus would be crushed once and for all—in Jesus’ name.

  5. Pray that those you are sharing the Gospel with would get saved.


Zoom Reimbursement
Due to the ongoing pandemic and with the uncertainties of people's schedules, we will continue to reimburse Zoom “Pro Package” subscriptions until further notice. This will enable you to keep hosting virtual Zoom meetings and not neglecting to meet as a small group.

Once you have received your Zoom Pro invoice for the month, kindly forward them directly to in a timely manner. Thank you, leaders, for continuing to shepherd your people well during this time.

Annual Household Update
To better serve you, we have a Household Update form that will be used to keep you up to date with the necessary information at our church. If you have recently joined our Pearlside family or have any changes to your household information, please complete and submit a form by going to or on our Pearlside App. Please complete the form by October 17.

Seek Week - October 26 - 28, 2021
As a church, we will be having a time of prayer and fasting from October 26 - 28. Aside from personal prayers, we invite you to join us corporately as we pray and believe for specific things in our church. For prayer targets and fasting guidelines, go to

Mission Focused

Mission Focused


Jesus desires for oneness and unity amongst His disciples. When the church unites in sharing the Gospel, making disciples, and loving others, the hope of Christ is revealed to a world that desperately needs it.

Jesus says in Matthew 5:14-16, “You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead, they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.”

Although we continue to experience difficult and polarizing times, the church is still called to shine our light brightly and reach the harvest that God has called us to. We can do this if our foundation and focus continue to be our oneness with God, with one another, and our witness of the Gospel to those around us who are not saved.

There are many people that have recently lost hope. Our Small Groups are the perfect place where they can experience the hope of the Gospel and the love of Christ through the faith of believers. Here is a reminder of why we have group:

  1. Small groups are the way our church is pastored. Each small group leader is covered by a staff pastor and each small group becomes our most immediate spiritual lifeline.

  2. Small groups are where we process biblical truth for practical life application. What we don't process we tend not to live out. Studies show that we retain only 10% of what is heard over the pulpit, but 70% of what we discuss in a group.

  3. Small groups are where we learn from one another. The synergy brings enlargement and broadens our understanding in a way like no other.

  4. Small groups are where we share love, care, and support while developing encouraging relationships. The bible teaches that we always grow together but we never grow alone.

  5. Small groups are where we experience regular prayer support for increased spiritual breakthrough and stronger spiritual protection. 

  6. Small groups are a safer, warmer setting to invite unchurched and formerly churched people to as an entry or re-entry point to faith. 

  7. Small groups can be a place to serve and a family with whom you can serve the church and community with. 

  8. Jesus did life in the context of a small group, and scripture encourages us to do the same. 75% of gospel accounts highlight Jesus changing the world one life at a time in smaller relational settings. 

  9. The early church met in the home and temple: smaller AND larger settings. It was BOTH/AND not either/or. (See Acts 2:42-47 for the specific impacts)

Our groups are imperative in the church’s mission to share the Gospel and make disciples. As leaders, we must guard the culture of our groups and keep our members focused on their growth in discipleship and evangelism to others. Even though members may want to go off on a tangent regarding current world events during group, we must remember the purpose of our group is to align our hearts with God’s ultimate purpose of people coming to know Jesus and growing in discipleship.

Discussion Questions:

  1. How has the culture recently been in your Small Group? Share why it’s been easy or difficult for your group to remain focused on discipleship in the midst of the season we’re experiencing.

  2. As the leader, how can you shepherd your members to remain focused on growing in their walk with God, sharing the Gospel with others, and making disciples?

Prayer Points:

  1. Pray that the body of Christ would remain unified and rise up to God’s calling to be a light of hope to the world.

  2. Pray that our Small Groups would remain focused on sharing the Gospel and make disciples.

  3. Pray by name those you are personally reaching out to.

  4. Pray that COVID-19 and the Delta Variant would be crushed once and for all and that those affected by this pandemic (health, finances, relationships, schooling, etc.) would experience breakthrough and come to know God.


Zoom Reimbursement
Due to the ongoing pandemic and with the uncertainties of people's schedules, we will continue to reimburse Zoom “Pro Package” subscriptions until further notice. This will enable you to keep hosting virtual Zoom meetings and not neglecting to meet as a small group.

Once you have received your Zoom Pro invoice for the month, kindly forward them directly to in a timely manner. Thank you, leaders, for continuing to shepherd your people well during this time.

Courageous Faith

Courageous Faith


We see in Acts 1 that Jesus personally reconnected with His disciples for 40 days after the resurrection and spoke to them about the Kingdom of God. They asked if Jesus was going to restore God’s Kingdom on earth at that time. Jesus responds by revealing two things: 1) He told them that only His Father knows the date when His Kingdom would be restored. 2) The disciples will receive power from the Holy Spirit to preach the Gospel around the world.

“He said to them: ‘It is not for you to know the times or dates the Father has set by his own authority. But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.’” (Acts 1:7-8)

Immediately after saying this, Jesus was taken up into heaven and the disciples were now aware of the command — to be witnesses, to share the Gospel, and to make disciples in Jerusalem (where they were), in Judea and Samaria (beyond where they were), and ultimately to the ends of the earth. 

This command requires “courageous faith” because persecution, physical harm, imprisonment, and even death could follow. Courageous faith is necessary to overcome the Enemy who wants to halt the spread of the Gospel. Because the disciples obeyed, the Church grew exponentially throughout the world. 

As we emerge and converge out of the pandemic, we must also live with courageous faith. We must live out the command to make disciples in our homes, workplaces, schools, and communities despite the challenges and/or persecution we may face along the way. There are still so many people who are struggling to find hope, and we have the answer in Jesus Christ. 

We were made for such a time as this, to share the Gospel and make disciples locally, nationally, and globally just as the original disciples did. This is the vision of God for His Church. As leaders, we must lead and live with “courageous faith,” and encourage those whom we lead to do so as well.

Discussion Questions: 

  1. What stands out to you from the Leadership Guide this month? What are some challenges that you face in sharing the Gospel and making disciples in your world? How can you overcome them?

  2. How can you encourage and empower your Small Group members to share the Gospel and make disciples where they are currently at (family, work, school) despite challenges that they may face?

  3. What are some ways you can continue to help your Small Group members live beyond themselves by serving the needs of others, the next generation, and our communities?

Prayer Points

  1. Pray that every member of our church would live with “courageous faith” and boldly share the Gospel and make disciples.

  2. Pray that we would experience a revival in our middle school, high school, and college campus ministries.

  3. Pray that all churches locally, nationally, and globally would experience a harvest of salvations and discipleship amongst new believers.

Zoom Reimbursement
As the state slowly begins to reopen, we will be extending our Zoom “Pro Package” subscription reimbursements until the end of August. If you have already received your August receipt, kindly email them directly to As we continue to move forward in faith and emerge out of this pandemic, let’s continue to encourage our groups to meet in person. Thank you, leaders, for continuing to shepherd your people well during this time.

Discipleship Track
Wednesdays, September 1-22 | Pearlside Main Campus
Over the course of four weeks, you will gain a deeper understanding of the gospel which will transform your life, equip you for ministry in the church, and for influence in the world. For more information and to register, go to

Freedom Weekend
(Men’s) Saturday, Sept. 4 & (Women’s) Saturday, Sept. 18 | Pearlside Main Campus
A powerful class designed to allow God to speak His truth to us, draw closer to us, and transform us in a powerful way. The goal of this class is to help us arise out of our sin and its effects, into a new life of freedom and victory. For more information and to register, go to

- Must belong to a Small Group and attend regularly.
- Must have completed the One2One Book with a leader.

The Heart of Serving

The Heart of Serving


In Mark 10:35-45, Jesus teaches His disciples that true leadership comes from a heart of serving. In this passage, brothers James and John ask Jesus if they could sit at the right and left of His glory (verse 37). They knew that Jesus was the Messiah that the Old Testament prophecies declared would one day save God’s people. James and John wanted positions of authority and power beside Jesus.

Upon hearing James and John’s request and witnessing the outrage and tension that it caused the other disciples, Jesus stepped into the moment. He taught them that true leadership comes from a counterculture heart of servanthood. As we read in Mark 10:43-45, Jesus explains that His Father sent Him to the world to serve, not to be served:

43 “...whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, 44 and whoever wants to be first must be slave of all. 45 For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”

This is an important lesson for all of us to continue to live out Jesus’ example of leadership, which comes from a heart to serve - not from a position of control or entitlement. Jesus also teaches in Luke 22:25-27:

25 “Jesus said to them, ‘The kings of the Gentiles lord it over them; and those who exercise authority over them call themselves Benefactors. 26 But you are not to be like that. Instead, the greatest among you should be like the youngest, and the one who rules like the one who serves. 27 For who is greater, the one who is at the table or the one who serves? Is it not the one who is at the table? But I am among you as one who serves.’”

As our state emerges from this pandemic, and as we prepare for the harvest of salvations that are coming, we want every Pearlside Church member to exemplify Jesus’ heart by serving so that others can come to know Jesus through us. Serving helps us to understand God’s love and enlarges our hearts for the lost whom Jesus commands us to reach. We encourage everyone to be on a serve team to help our guests feel at home in our services so that they can encounter God's love.

There are many ways to serve. Currently, we are in need in our shuttles, parking, greeting, and ushering Serve Teams, as well as in our Kids Church and next-generation ministries. Those interested can go to and click on the “I Want to Join A Serve Team” button or through our Pearlside App by selecting the “Next Step” tab.

Together we can make a difference by helping people encounter God’s love as we serve.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Share with one another the area(s) you are currently serving in. How has serving enlarged your heart for the lost and helped you to grow in your walk with God?

  2. How can you help the Small Group members that you oversee join a Serve Team? For those already faithfully serving, is there a next step of faith they could take (i.e. become a Serve Team Lead, help encourage others to join the Serve Team they are in, etc.)?

Prayer Points

  1. Pray that every member of our church would have a servant’s heart like Jesus and become a faithful member of one of our Serve Teams.

  2. Pray that we would experience a harvest of salvations like never before and people beginning the discipleship journey by joining a Small Group.

  3. Pray by name for those you are believing will receive Jesus as Lord and Savior in this season.

Zoom Reimbursement
As the state slowly begins to reopen, we will be extending our Zoom “Pro Package” subscription reimbursements until the end of August. If you have already received your July receipt, kindly email them directly to As we continue to move forward in faith and emerge out of this pandemic, let’s continue to encourage our groups to meet in person. Thank you, leaders, for continuing to shepherd your people well during this time.

Transformational Marriage & Parenting with Keith and Jennifer Tower
Saturday, July 24 | Pearlside Main Campus
Pastor Keith and Jennifer Tower have 25 years of marriage and 15 years of ministry experience. Pastor Keith holds a Master’s degree in Counseling, is senior pastor of Highpoint Church, and is a former NBA player. Jennifer is a graduate of the University of Notre Dame, is an accomplished businesswoman, and leads women’s retreats around the country. The Towers have ministered internationally and throughout the U.S. with a fresh sense of humor and a unique insight into how relationships can thrive. They have two college-age daughters. For more information and to register, go to

Growth Track
Sundays, July 11-25  | Pearlside Main Campus
Our faith is not designed to be static, rather God desires all believers to grow in their faith. In Growth Track, we will learn how to follow God through the essential practices of Christianity which include; how to grow in a spiritual community, how to read the Bible, and how to pray. Growth Track is a 3 session class. For more information and to register, go to

Discipleship Track
Thursdays, August 5-26 | Pearlside Main Campus
Over the course of four weeks, you will gain a deeper understanding of the gospel which will transform your life, equip you for ministry in the church, and for influence in the world. For more information, take a look at this video:

Building Relationships

Building Relationships


As we read about Jesus’ life and ministry in the Gospels, it is clear that He valued relationships. Whether it was Jesus teaching His disciples what it meant to follow Him, healing those in the community plagued with sickness, or ministering to those who were considered outcasts, Jesus regularly took the time to build relationships with those around Him. It was through these genuine relational moments that Jesus’ love could be witnessed, shared, and experienced first-hand - leaving such an impact that those He ministered to would become His followers.

Jesus commands us in Matthew 28:18-20 to share the Gospel and make disciples. Just as He modeled, building a genuine relationship is an integral first step in the disciple-making process. Here are four steps to building a relationship with someone: 

  1. Make consistent time in your schedule to meet with them. 

  2. Create a safe place for them to share and process their life.

  3. Share with them your own life experiences and how God made a difference

  4. Ask how you can pray and practically serve them

As our state continues to open up and returns to some form of normalcy, we have a great opportunity to share the Gospel with those God has placed on our hearts. Whether it be an unsaved family member, friend, co-worker, and/or classmate, building a genuine relationship with them over time will give us insight on how to best minister and pray for their needs just as Jesus did - with the hope that it would lead to their salvation. As Small Group leaders, we have the opportunity to equip our Small Group members to live this out as well.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Who are you personally building a relationship with that is not yet saved? Share how that process is going.

  2. How can you help the small group members that you oversee be more intentional in building genuine relationships where God has placed them (work, school, family, friend groups, etc.) so they can minister, share the Gospel and make disciples?

Prayer Points

  1. Pray that every member of our church would build genuine relationships with the lost that would lead to their salvation and ongoing discipleship.

  2. Pray by name for the person you are currently building a relationship with and sharing the Gospel with.

  3. Pray that those in our church not yet connected to a Small Group would step out in faith and join one.

Zoom Reimbursements
Starting July, we will no longer be processing Zoom “Pro Package” subscriptions. If you already have your June or previous months of Zoom Pro receipts (beginning of May 2020), kindly email them directly to

Fresh Start Class - Every Sunday at 12:30 pm (Main Campus Only)
Salvation, or the decision to accept Jesus as Lord and Savior, is the most important decision we can make in this life. In Fresh Start, we discover how to know God through faith in Jesus and how to begin to have an eternal relationship with God. This class is for both those who are new in their faith and for believers who just transferred to Pearlside. For more information, go to

Growth Track Class - Sunday, June 13, 20 & 27 (Main Campus Only)
Our faith is not designed to be static. God desires all believers to grow in their faith. The Growth Track is a 3 session class where we will learn how to follow God through the essential practices of Christianity which include how to grow in a spiritual community, how to read the Bible, and how to pray. For more information, go to

Stages of Disciple Making - Stage 5: Go and Make Disciples

Stages of Disciple Making - Stage 5: Go and Make Disciples


We conclude our discussion of the article The Stages of Disciple Makingby Bobby Harrington with Stage 5: “Go and Make Disciples.” This stage of the disciple-making process focuses on the final command that Jesus gave His disciples before He ascended to heaven: share the Gospel and make disciples. We know a person has grasped the heart of discipleship when they follow this command.

5. “Go and Make Disciples” Phase: Matthew 28:18–20; John 20:21; Mark 16:15–16
The fifth phase is the replication phase. Disciples need to be sent out to become disciple-makers themselves. They have been trained to be like their teacher (Luke 6:40). Note, the multiplication phase continues to require growth—we multiply while maturing—because we do not fully arrive in this life. In fact, to get to the next phase of maturity, we need to multiply because a certain amount of maturity is only achieved in the midst of the challenges of being a disciple-maker.

Jesus describes this phase succinctly in John 20:21, “as the Father has sent me, I am sending you.” And in the great commission of Matthew 28:19–20, Jesus gives us the important details of what is involved in the commission of a disciple-maker.

“Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

As described earlier, we have found that these verses provide a surprising amount of clarity on disciple-making. Jesus sends his disciples out to make disciples—after he has shown them how to make disciples. Stated differently, Jesus gave the commission after showing his apostles how to fulfill it.

Please note some key elements from within the text of the great commission itself.

There is one key command—“make disciples”—and four supporting parts to that command (according to the Greek):

  • Go

  • Baptize

  • Teach Obedience

  • Remember

We send people out to make disciples as Jesus made disciples.

Go – they are to go with the goal of making other disciples. Like Jesus, it starts as we go and enter into the lives of people. God has a heart for every people group on planet earth. He wants us to go and enter into the lives of people both near and far. As God’s motivation was his love (John 3:16) so ours is love. There is nothing more loving than making disciples.

Baptize – Jesus told us to baptize people because baptism, as a personal expression of faith, inaugurates a person into the possession of the father, son, and Holy Spirit. It marks conversion—which is both to salvation in Jesus and a new life as a disciple of Jesus. Conversion and baptism are not the goals, but the starting point as a person starts the disciple’s journey.

Teach Obedience – Jesus taught obedience-based disciple-making. He did not commission his disciples to just teach his commands (as we often do today). He commissioned his disciple-makers to teach obedience to all of his commands. So disciple-making must include the practical aspect of obedience—what it is and how to do it. The commission envisions development, after baptism, as disciples learn to obey all that Jesus taught (sanctification).

Remember – there is an expression in Greek found in verse 20 that literally says “and remember.” This expression, often translated, “behold,” or “surely” (NIV) often loses its force. We would state the expression this way today—“hey, remember.” Jesus wanted to punctuate for us the importance of remembering that he is present with us in disciple-making. He wants us to note and remember his presence—disciple-makers never go out, by themselves alone.

Those four expressions are helpful to note in disciple-making.

And, again, we are best served if we remember that Jesus commissions us to follow his method of disciple-making. He taught his disciples the supremacy of agape love (John 13:34–35) and then he commissioned them (and us) to go and make disciples just like he did.

How do we apply the principles from this phase today?
The most important part about commissioning disciple-makers is that, like Jesus, we have intentionally developed and led them to the point where they are spiritually and practically ready (with strategies and knowledge) to become disciple-makers. This is a relational, life-on-life process that takes time.

The apostles had one another so they could help and support each other as they lived out this commissioning phase. We too should walk closely with those we send out. And all disciple-makers will continue to need support and help from other disciple-makers. We will all need each other until the end.

Key points in the fifth phase:

  • Do your best to make sure that people are both spiritually ready (it is about the kingdom of God) and practically ready (they know what to do) before you send them out.

  • Pray for them and support them and remind them to rely on God through the Holy Spirit.

  • Keep them focused on the basics that disciple-making includes an emphasis on baptizing people into Christ and teaching them to obey all of Jesus’ teachings.

  • Seek to ensure your disciples are ready – spiritual adults and spiritual parents should be the focus for this phase.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Who are you personally sharing the Gospel with and/or discipling?

  2. How can you help the leaders that you oversee to begin making reaching out to the people in their lives to make disciples and to model making disciples to others? 

  3. How can you help the people in the small groups that you oversee to begin making disciples and sharing the gospel with others?

Prayer Points

  1. Pray that every member of our church would share the Gospel and make a disciple this year. Remember: “each one reach one each year.”

  2. Pray that we would see a harvest of people getting saved and becoming disciples that share the Gospel and make disciples as well.

  3. Pray for unity and protection as our state continues to safely reopen.

Fresh Start Class - Every Sunday at 12:30 pm
(Main Campus Only)
Salvation, or the decision to accept Jesus as Lord and Savior, is the most important decision we can make in this life. In Fresh Start, we discover how to know God through faith in Jesus and how to begin to have an eternal relationship with God. This class is for both those who are new in their faith and for believers who just transferred to Pearlside. For more information, go to

Growth Track Class - Sunday, May 16, 23 & 30 (Main Campus Only)
Our faith is not designed to be static. God desires all believers to grow in their faith. The Growth Track is a 3 session class where we will learn how to follow God through the essential practices of Christianity which include how to grow in a spiritual community, how to read the Bible, and how to pray. For more information, go to

Marriage Huddle - Saturday, May 22 to June 22 (Main Campus Only)
In these unprecedented times, our marriages will encounter bumps and potholes that can bring misalignment or friction into the marriage relationship. In our Marriage Huddle, John and Lisa Bevere, nationally known Christian speakers and authors, teach biblical principles of marriage and share their personal stories of challenge and victory in their video series “The Story of Marriage.” In this 6-session workshop, we will review each session, followed by small group discussions and related activities. These times of reflection and repentance have led to realignment and reuniting for many couples who have attended. For more information, go to

Freedom Weekend (Main Campus Only)
Freedom Weekend is a powerful class designed to allow God to speak His truth to us, draw closer to us, and transform us in a powerful way. The goal of this class is to help us arise out of our sin and its effects, into a new life of freedom and victory. For more information, go to

Stages of Disciple Making - Stage 4: Come Take Up Your Cross

Stages of Disciple Making - Stage 4: Come Take Up Your Cross


We are continuing our discussion of the article The Stages of Disciple Makingby Bobby Harrington. The goal in our leadership team reading this article is for us all to become better leaders and disciple-makers. This month is Stage 4: “Come Take Up Your Cross.” This is an important stage of the disciple-making process as it focuses on the cost of following Jesus - a willingness to “die to yourself” and “take up your cross.” As disciples-makers, we must present this truth to those who are serious about following Jesus.

4. “Come Take up Your Cross” Phase: Mark 8:27–38; Matthew 16:13–27
The fourth phase is often a make-it or break-it phase. Scholars of the gospel of Mark teach us that when Jesus took his disciples to the district of Caesarea Philippi it was a fundamentally important turning point in Jesus’ ministry. It is also a crucial turning point as Jesus was making disciple makers. Caesarea Philippi is in the most Northern part of Israel; it was a non-Jewish area, away from the crowds. Jesus intentionally engaged his disciples in what, for many of them, was the most fundamental issue in becoming a future disciple maker.

Mark describes this turning point in chapter 8:27–29:
And Jesus went on with his disciples to the villages of Caesarea Philippi. And on the way he asked his disciples, “Who do people say that I am…? Peter answered him, “You are the Christ.”

Two things should be noted: Jesus presses the disciples with a fundamentally important coaching question on his identity and Peter answers him rightly, that he is the Messiah (Christ).

Mark then records the decision point that Jesus wants his disciples to process (8:31–33).

And he began to teach them that the Son of Man must suffer many things and be rejected by the elders and the chief priests and the scribes and be killed, and after three days rise again. And he said this plainly. And Peter took him aside and began to rebuke him. But turning and seeing his disciples, he rebuked Peter and said, “Get behind me, Satan! For you are not setting your mind on the things of God, but on the things of man.”

Jesus explains that, as God’s Messiah, he is going to suffer and be killed. That is not Peter’s concept of the kingdom or of the Messiah. Peter believes in a different kind of Messiah and a different kind of kingdom. Peter’s discovery at this point is vital. Jesus strongly rebukes him, saying that he does not have the right mindset on this matter.

That encounter then leads to Jesus making a fundamental point about disciples and disciple makers (like the Twelve) in the next few verses (Mark 8:34–35).

And calling the crowd to him with his disciples, he said to them, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake and the gospel’s will save it.

The willingness to die to yourself is the distinguishing issue in the fourth phase.

Jesus kept emphasizing this point to his disciples moving forward (Mark 9:31–32; 10:32–34). James Fleming points out that, in the oral culture of the first century, the stories of the blind men just before Jesus’ three-fold confrontations with the disciples on this point (Mark 8:22–26), followed by the healing of another blind man right afterward (Mark 10:46–52) was Mark’s way, in the ancient culture of the first century, to point out the blindness of the disciples.

They needed to accept that Jesus would die and, as disciple makers, they had to be willing to die just like him.

This phase is significant because it is about the death of self to the false dreams and human aspirations imposed on God’s kingdom.

The narrative in the gospels, especially in Mark, is that from this point forward Jesus is going to Jerusalem where he will die. Initially Peter and the other disciples are blinded to it. They too have to die to their vision of what it meant to be a disciple. They too have to surrender to God’s kingdom and die to themselves. Judas will NOT die to his false vision and he betrays Jesus (Mark 14:10–11).

Peter says he will die for Jesus—he said emphatically, “If I must die with you, I will not deny you,” but he does not really understand (14:31). He abandons Jesus, but later has great remorse and returns.

The last supper and Garden of Gethsemane, just before the crucifixion, magnifies this point (John 13:1ff). Jesus serves his disciples and models what it is to forgo one’s selfish desires for the kingdom. Jesus tells them that they should become like him.

How do we apply the principles from this phase today?
The focus is death to self.

A person cannot truly become a healthy disciple maker or truly live out the Gospel until he or she dies to themselves and surrenders his or her dreams to God.

Peter did it, but Judas did not.

This is a fundamental change of heart at a deep level that is inspired and nurtured by the Spirit of God. We have seen it lead to great fruit when future disciple makers leave successful careers or give up privileged positions, perks, and dreams because they are in conflict with God’s invitation into selfless service. It may not involve those things, but at some level, the willingness to die to self for the kingdom of God is established within a person’s inner being and disposition about life in this phase.

When a person is in a disciple maker position and his or her death to self has not been established, they will easily use other people or instill in them truths about being a disciple that are more reflections of their sinful mind or worldly aspirations. Once a person has truly surrendered and died to their dreams for the sake of God’s calling, they are on the path to becoming very effective disciple makers. It is now about God’s kingdom, not our kingdoms. It is now about other people, not ourselves.

Key points in the fourth phase:

  • Pay attention to the motives of the heart of those you are discipling and pray for them the way Jesus prayed for Peter (Luke 22:31).

  • Pray that the Holy Spirit leads future disciple makers through this challenging period and make note of the hardships that they are experiencing; hardships refine and purify our faith (Romans 5:3–5).

  • In love and in close relationships, help those you are discipling to work through the death-to-self challenge.

  • Pray earnestly and intently for your disciples in this phase, they are on the precipice of making a big difference.

Discussion Questions
1. Is there anyone in your Small Group who is currently stuck in Stage 4? Why do you think they have not been able to “die to themself” and “pick up their cross”?

2. As their SG leader, what are some ways you can challenge them in truth and grace in this area? 

3. If you have but they have not taken this step, is there anything else aside from prayer that you could possibly do? Leaders, please help one another by sharing your own experiences and giving each other feedback.

Prayer Points
1. Pray that those in your Small Group who are currently stuck in Stage 4 would choose to “die to themself,” “pick up their cross,” and continue to grow as disciples of Christ.

2. Pray that our church members would persevere through their current hardships and trials through the grace of God and that others would come to know Jesus because of their witness and testimony.

3. Pray for continued peace and unity in our state and nation during these unprecedented times.

Stages of Disciple Making - Stage 3: Come and Be With Me

Stages of Disciple Making - Stage 3: Come and Be With Me


We are continuing our discussion of the article, The Stages of Disciple Makingby Bobby Harrington. The goal in our leadership team reading this article is for us all to become better leaders and disciple-makers. This month is Stage 3: “Come and Be With Me”. This stage focuses on the importance of us being able to identify, train, and coach others to become leaders and disciple-makers - just as Jesus did with His disciples.

3. “Come and Be with Me” Phase: Mark 3:13–14, Luke 6:12–16
The third phase in which Jesus raised up disciple makers is punctuated by a night of prayer. Luke 6:12–13 shows this inflection point—in a ministry that began with forty days of fasting and prayer and regularly showed a daily focus on prayer—as Jesus seeks the Father’s guidance before selecting the Twelve.

In these days he went out to the mountain to pray, and all night he continued in prayer to God. And when day came, he called his disciples and chose from them twelve, whom he named apostles.

It is hard to over-emphasize Jesus’ dependence on prayer as he made disciple makers. We do not know exactly what Jesus was praying about, but there is a clear connecting from his time of extended prayer (and staying up all night) and the 12 men that he chose to be disciple makers.

These men are called apostles. From this point forward these men will be the focus of his time and effort. There are three in whom Jesus will most deeply invest – Peter, James, and John. Bill Hull describes the nature of Jesus’ selection.

Jesus was willing to disappoint hundreds of disciples who just wanted to be near him, to literally touch him. He could have chosen them all and they all would have said yes. But Jesus had a plan, he knew what was ahead, he knew many wouldn’t make it.

From this point forward, Jesus entrusts them with the message of the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5–7), they watch him being anointed by the sinful woman (Luke 7), and travel throughout Galilee together (Luke 8:1–3). He teaches parables publicly and then explains them in private to the twelve (Luke 8; Matthew 13). He exposes them to various miracles and circles back to them to see what they understand with regularity. Jesus’ concentration on the three (and the Twelve) show leaders today the importance of an intense focus on developing leaders.

How do we apply the principles from this phase today?
The first and most important lesson from this phase is how to select the right kinds of people to be leaders. It is grounded first in prayer. Secondly it is grounded in praying about people that you have come to know. We have a great acronym that may help you select future leaders in which you will invest yourself: F.A.T.S.O. people

  • Faithful (Luke 5:4–5)

  • Available (Luke 5:1–3)

  • Teachable (Luke 5:6–10a)

  • Sendable (Luke 10:1–4) and

  • Obedient (Matthew 28:19–20)

Jesus surfaced a focused leadership team and prioritized them. Selecting in the right people may be the most important decision a disciple-making leader makes.

Secondly, I think Jesus was clear about why he was investing in the twelve. The word apostle in Greek means sent out. We think it is important to be clear about our intentions, and to do so early on. “I want to spend extra time with you so that we can grow closer and I can help you to become a disciple maker,” are words we might use. You establish the relationship as something will result in your disciples being sent out.

Thirdly, during this phase we want to not only expose and teach our future disciple makers to the teachings of Jesus, we want to be constantly debriefing them so that they gain practical and strategic guidance on what we are doing. Disciple making models should not just involve teaching and imitation, but also coaching, explanation and “the debrief.” Here is a simple but life changing formula.

  • I do. You watch. We talk.

  • I do. You help. We talk.

  • You do. I help. We talk.

  • You do. I watch. We talk.

  • You do. Someone else watches. I do. Someone else watches.

The expression “we talk” is key—we are intentionally and regularly establishing a disciple-maker’s DNA every time we do that.

Key points in the third phase:

  • In-depth prayer should guide those seeking to select disciple makers in this phase.

  • Choose those who are FATSO people

  • Be explicit about your intention to send these people out as disciple makers.

  • Be intentional about debriefing and explaining why you do what you do for your apprentice.

  • Mature spiritual children (ready for the next growth phase) and young adults are most common in this phase, but it can also include mature adults and spiritual parents who have been discipled in other churches or contexts before you got to know them personally.

Discussion Questions
1. Is there anyone you are currently discipling in your Small Group that is ready to be equipped to be a leader and a disciple-maker? What traits of the F.A.T.S.O. acronym do they exemplify?

2. What are some practical ways you can bring this person alongside you so they can witness what it is to be a leader and disciple-maker?

3. If the person is open to be trained and equipped to be a leader and disciple-maker, set aside consistent time with them for ongoing guidance, dialogue, and coaching.

Prayer Points
1. As our state and economy continues to open up, pray that we would experience a harvest of people getting saved like never before.

2. Pray that each member of our church would rise up to become a leader and disciple-maker for the harvest God is sending us.

3. Pray that our members who are still online for service and small groups would draw lines of faith and return in person.