Leadership Group Guide - November 2023

Stage 1: Clarify your tripod (the core committed members of the group).

  • Facilitator

  • Apprentice

  • Third believer

Stage 2: Start clustering.

Clustering is when one group breaks into smaller groups of 3-5 for discussion in the same location. This enables greater participation and a safe environment for people to process and share. Additionally, leading a cluster is an easy onramp for people into small group leadership since almost everyone can facilitate a discussion of 3-4 others.

Stage 3: Solidify cluster leaders.

Designate set cluster facilitators, often members of the tripod. This creates a consistent expectation for cluster facilitators to come prepared to lead a cluster.

Stage 4: Develop tripods in each cluster.

Once the clusters gain consistency, work towards developing a tripod within each cluster. This will build the leadership core of each cluster, which is necessary for clusters to become stand-alone small groups.

Stage 5: Engage in relational evangelism.

Relational evangelism should be a constant at each of the above phases, but particularly when a group has consistency. We must resist the temptation to be stagnant with the same people. We must be constantly reaching new people.


  • What stage are you in your small group right now? Where do you need to put your focus in this season?

  • Who are the potential cluster leaders that you can identify? Who are the potential tripod members in your group?


(Pair up to pray for one another.)

  • Pray for the new, potential cluster leaders/ tripod members that you are going to invite into leadership.


LEGACY OFFERING | Starting November 24, 2023

The Legacy Offering is the annual end-of-the-year offering that we receive above and beyond the tithe

designated for our mission of expansion. Gifts can be sent through the Pearlside App, online on our

website, or at any of our services beginning on the last weekend of November until the end of the year.


  • February 10, 2024 - All Coaches Summit

  • April 27, 2024 -  All Leaders Summit

  • September 14, 2024 - All Leaders Summit

PEARLSIDE CLASSES | pearlside.org/classes

Keep up to date with all of our upcoming class schedules by checking our website. Growth Track, Discipleship Track, and Freedom Weekend classes are available at all our congregations. If you or anyone in your Small Group hasn’t attended our classes yet, we strongly encourage you to register at pearlside.org/classes.

If you have any questions or concerns, please email smallgroups@pearlside.org.