Leadership Group Guide - February 2023

In this month’s Leadership Group Podcast, Pastors Billy Lile and Russell Tolentino discuss how we can use discipleship resources like the One 2 One and Purpose Driven Life books to help lead those we are intentionally “SLAPT-ing” into a relationship with Jesus. God has called us to share the Gospel and make disciples, and we can best do that through relational discipleship.

Listen to the podcast before attending your Leadership Group and be ready to discuss.

Podcast Notes:

  • S.L.A.P.T. (S.A.L.P.T. is still applicable as well)

    • START conversations so people can tell their stories.

    • LISTEN. Really listen. (Romans 12:15)

    • ASK Questions.

    • PRAY for them. (James 5:16)

    • TELL the truth.

  • What do we do after S.L.A.P.T.?

    • If they are open to hearing more about Jesus:

      • Set up a consistent time to go over discipleship resources such as the One 2 One book, the Purpose Driven Life book, The Purple Book, or our Small Group Discussion Guide. 

      • You can determine what discipleship resources to use and when to introduce them based on their openness and availability. 

      • Quickly follow up with them. The devil does not want them to begin a personal relationship with Jesus.

      • Foundations of faith are formed in the consistency of relational discipleship.

      • Continue to “SLAPT” before and after going over the discipleship resource. The goal of meeting with them is relational discipleship, not just going through the content.

      • As leaders, we must encourage our group members to make relational discipleship a part of their everyday rhythms of life.

  • If they are not open to hearing more about Jesus:

    • Don’t be discouraged and continue to build relationships with them by consistently “SLAPT-ing” them.

    • When they are ready to hear more about Jesus, they will reach out to you because of the trust and friendship you’ve built with them over time.

Discussion Questions & Application (45 minutes):

  1. Share what stood out to you most from the podcast’s teaching.

  2. Who are you “SLAPT-ing” consistently and following up with? What discipleship resources are you using? What is God teaching you about relational discipleship?

  3. How can we get each group member to consistently “SLAPT” those God has placed on their heart and use discipleship resources with them?

Prayer Points (15 minutes):

  1. Pray that those our group members and we are “SLAPT-ing” will receive Jesus as Lord and Savior and begin their discipleship journey.

  2. Pray that God will unleash miracles, signs, and wonders as we step out in faith and pray for those around us.


Discipleship Tools | pearlside.org/resources

Life Matters Seminars 2023

There are so many views on marriage and parenting it can be challenging to know how to best build your family. These Simple and Sacred seminars will save you the trouble of trial and error. We will show you the best design that God has for marriage, and the best design that God has for parenting so that you will thrive in the days and years to come.

For more information and to register, visit our website at pearlside.org/life-matters

Marriage Seminar - February 25 | 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
Parenting Seminar - March 4 | 12:00 pm - 3:00 pm

New Sermon Podcasts
We have a new way to listen to our weekend sermons! Listen to your congregation’s sermons on our Pearlside App and select your congregation, or on Spotify by searching Pearlside Church | [Congregation] (example: Pearlside Church | Pearl Highlands)

*Main Campus’ Podcast is available on Apple Podcasts as well. (Other congregations to follow)

Pearlside Small Group Leaders Podcast
Listen to our weekly podcast to help prepare as you lead your Small Group. This is a valuable resource that you can use to equip your apprentices to lead a cluster or prepare them to start their own group. The podcast can be accessed on our Pearlside App under Small Group Leaders Resources or through Spotify and Apple Podcasts. Search for Pearlside Small Group Leaders Podcast.