Main Thought:

As we enter into a new year, we want to make sure we start it right with God first. Here are two practical ways for us to do this:


1.     Fill Up.

Spiritually, we want to make sure that our tank is full. We need to set a time to fill up and replenish our soul. We primarily do this through a focused time of prayer, word, and reflection.


2.     Follow Up.

Relationally, we want to follow up with people. Since the end of the year is full of distractions, January is when everyone’s schedule is open for connection. We need to leverage this window by following up and following through with those we were reaching and inviting during the Christmas season.


How we begin the year determines how the year will go. We want to come close to God and stay close with others. As we are filled up, we will have the grace to follow up with those we are believing God for. Let’s start 2018 with the right heart and mindset together.


Discussion Questions:

·  What will you do to fill up spiritually? What are you believing God for in 2018?

·  Who do you need to follow up with? What will you do to consistently connect with them?


Upcoming Events:

  • Prayer and Fasting

We will begin the new year with prayer and fasting. Starting on January 10, we will commit each Wednesday to a complete fast and end it with prayer at our Main Campus (Worship Center) from 6:30pm - 7:30pm. We are encouraging everyone to choose one day a week to fast, and each Grace Group to attend one of the four prayer pockets for the month (Jan. 10, 17, 24, & 31). We also have a 24-day devotional to help you personally connect with God. Pick-up one at our Connection Center or download it online at

  • Discipleship Summit

Our Spring Discipleship Summit will take place in February. The theme will be “Leading from a Healthy Soul.” We will have two pockets to choose from:

o   Monday, February 5, 2018 from 7:00pm – 9:30pm

o   Saturday, February 10, 2018 from 9:00am – 11:30am

You can register through the Pearlside App or