Holy Spirit Baptism


Aside from an altar call in a service, a private setting free of distraction where self-consciousness is minimized works best. For example: A Small Group meeting in a home would be good.


Though not required, it is best to go through the lesson on “The Baptism of the Holy Spirit” from our Freedom Weekend where truth is imparted and questions are answered to give you a clear understanding.

Make sure the person is truly saved, committed to the Lord, and genuinely desires to be filled with the Holy Spirit. Being thirsty and hungry for the fullness of the Spirit results in the best divine encounters. (Matthew 5:6, Luke 11:10-13)

Ministering The Baptism of The Holy Spirit

  • Stand in front of the people being prayed for. Others who are present can stand behind and to the side to lend prayer support.

  • Explain to and remind them that as the Holy Spirit comes upon them and fills them from within, He will plant a phrase of their God-given prayer language (“tongues”) in their heart. By faith, they are to speak that out. Tell them: “God gives the language, but you must speak it out.” (Acts 2:4) God will not take control of your mouth and manifest tongues for you.”

    • Share this key illustration: “It’s like water coming up and out of a pipe. Though you can’t see it, the water is flowing through the pipe. Only when you turn the tap on will the water evidence itself and pour out. It’s the same with tongues - you must open your mouth (the tap) and in faith speak what God gives for the evidence of the Spirit to pour forth...It may sound like baby talk, but God will honor trusting humility.”

  • Have them open their hands in a receiving posture with their palms up, slightly raised in surrender. Gently lay your hands on them for impartation and have the others who are praying do likewise.

  • Out loud and in English, pray for the Lord to baptize and fill them with the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues. Then, have them pray that out loud for themselves also. (You might have them repeat after you, each phrase of what you pray.) 

  • Begin to pray in tongues and have others present for support  do likewise. This builds an anointed atmosphere making it easier to receive. 

  • As they begin to speak in tongues, encourage them (“That’s  it...keep speaking...), and also ask God to increase the anointing and freedom of expression (“Give them more, Lord... increase your anointing...). 

  • Be sensitive and observant. Keep your eyes open to detect physical evidence of God moving so you can flow with the Holy Spirit better. If God is doing something deep, don’t push  for tongues prematurely. Just let the Lord do what is often an  important inner work first (healing, refreshing, renewal, etc.).