Throughout the Bible, we see two main weekly meetings that the church was built on to help believers grow in their faith: the weekend service for the word and worship AND the weekday small group for relationship and discipleship. Similar to how a plane needs both wings to take flight, each disciple needs consistency in BOTH the weekend service and the weekday small group to gain altitude and grow in their faith. Here at Pearlside, we want to establish that small groups and disciple-making is an uncompromising core priority for us and that we are not a church with small groups, but we are a church OF small groups. 


Here are nine essential reasons why small groups are a must at Pearlside:

1. Small groups are the way our church is pastored. Each small group leader is covered by a staff pastor and each small group becomes our most immediate spiritual lifeline.

2. Small groups are where we process biblical truth for practical life application. What we don't process we tend not to live out. Studies show that we retain only 10% of what is heard over the pulpit, but 70% of what we discuss in a group.

3. Small groups are where we learn from one another. The synergy brings enlargement and broadens our understanding in a way like no other.

4. Small groups are where we share love, care, and support while developing encouraging relationships. The Bible teaches that we always grow together, but we never grow alone.

5. Small groups are where we experience regular prayer support for increased spiritual breakthrough and stronger spiritual protection. 

6. Small groups are a safer, warmer setting to invite unchurched and formerly churched people to as an entry or re-entry point to faith. 

7. Small groups can be a place to serve and a family with whom you can serve the church and community with. 

8. Jesus did life in the context of a small group and scripture encourages us to do the same. 75% of gospel accounts highlight Jesus changing the world one life at a time in smaller relational settings. 

9. The early church met in the home and temple: smaller AND larger settings. It was BOTH/AND not either/or. (See Acts 2:42-47 for the specific impacts)


Discussion Questions:

  • Which of the reasons above stand out to you most and why? Were there any reasons that you weren’t aware of before today?

  • Which of the reasons above do you need to implement in how you lead your small group? How do you think that would help with the discipleship of your small group members?

  • What are some next steps you can take to bring more clarity and focus on how you and your small group sees the importance of the weekday meeting?



  • Pray that Pearlside members would prioritize attending small group weekly.

  • Pray that there would be a revival in our small groups of new believers and genuine discipleship of all small group members.

  • Pray that each member of our small groups would reach their “one” (a person far from God or a person who has drifted in their faith).



  • Small Group Best Practices
    Please make sure to start and end group on time and to save catch up discussion and fellowship after the Discipleship Guide and prayer is finished. This will help ensure enough time to go through the guide and also honor one another’s time.


  • Main Campus Parking
    Our heart is for people far from God and we want to be a church that is easy for guests to attend. One issue that we consistently face is the lack of parking in our Main Campus parking lot. We are asking leaders and those who are able to consider parking at Mary Savio or Buzz’s to free up parking in the main lot for guests and visitors. Let's park far so that people far from God can come near. 


  • Financial Peace University
    This 9-week DVD course with weekly small group discussions and workshops have helped people “tell their dollar where to go” to get out of debt, save money, and plan for the future by following Dave’s “baby steps.”

Sundays, September 22 - November 17
4:00pm - 5:30pm
Church Corporate Office - 1st Floor

$109.00  | Adult/Engaged/Married Couple
$69.00 |  Full-time College Student
FREE PREVIEW on Sunday, September 22

Limited to first 30 guests | Walk-ins available based upon space
Register by Wednesday, September 18 


  • Marriage Huddle
    John and Lisa Bevere, nationally known Christian speakers and authors, teach biblical principles of marriage and share their personal stories of challenge and victory in their DVD “The Story of Marriage.” This two-day workshop includes viewing a section of the DVD, followed by small group discussions and related activities. These times of reflection and repentance have led to realignment and reuniting for many couples who have attended.


Friday, October 4 | 7:00pm - 9:00pm

-AND -

Saturday, October 5 | 9:00am - 1:00pm
Church Corporate Office - 1st Floor

$30.00 per couple | $20.00 per single registrant (Food included)
Limited to first 20 guests | Register by Tuesday, October 1

Childcare available | $16.00 per child (Food included)
Register childcare by Wednesday, September 25

  • Discipleship Track
    This class is designed to lead people to healthy relationships with God and others. It will give you a deeper understanding of the gospel which will transform your life, equip you for ministry in the church and for influence in the world.


OCTOBER 2 - 23
Main Campus
(7:00pm - 9:00pm)


OCTOBER 3 - 24
Main Campus
(7:00pm - 9:00pm)