In Matthew 28, Jesus calls every believer to “go and make disciples of all nations.” And as we begin a new year, we must remember God’s amazing call of discipleship for Pearlside through planting churches locally, nationally, and globally, while also impacting different areas of society with the gospel such as government, military, education and the next generation. As leaders, we all know that it starts with discipleship, which does take time, energy and effort while balancing other aspects of our life.

In the book “Emotionally Healthy Leader,” author Peter Scazerro acknowledges the importance of upholding Jesus’ call to make disciples, but warns leaders that it is dangerous to do all the tasks and responsibilities of ministry without having a “Loving Union” with Jesus.

Scazerro defines a Loving Union with Jesus as allowing the will of God to have full access to every area of our lives, including every aspect of our leadership - from difficult conversations and decision-making to managing our emotional triggers,” and that, Cultivating this kind of relationship with God can’t be hurried or rushed. We must slow down and build into our lives a structure and rhythm that makes this kind of loving surrender routinely possible.” (p. 120)

Not slowing down to develop this Loving Union with Jesus will eventually have a negative impact on those we lead and disciple because we are not leading from our relationship with Jesus, but rather from our own flawed-abilities.

Scazerro states, “We can serve Christ in our own energy and wisdom. We can expand ministry or a business without thinking much of Jesus or relying on him in the process. We can boldly preach truths we don’t live. And if our efforts prove successful, few people will notice or take issue with the gaps between who we are and what we do.” (p. 117)

One practical way to develop a Loving Union with Jesus is to develop a rhythm throughout the day and week in order to meet with Jesus personally to pray, reflect, and listen to His voice on how to best lead and disciple those you cover, while also allowing Him to refresh, refuel and renew your spirit.

This is something we learn from Jesus. He would leave the masses He’d minister to, go to the mountains to pray and be with God in the mountains alone. This will require setting aside ministry and the busyness of life in order to have a Loving Union with Jesus for a duration of time (i.e 20-30 minutes).

We are believing 2019 - the 25th year of Pearlside’s existence - to be a banner year of establishing believers, equipping disciples, and empowering leaders that sets us into the next 25 years and beyond. In order to do so we are hoping every leader of our church will lead and disciple from a Loving Union with Jesus.

Discussion Question & Active Application:

·      Do you have a Loving Union with Jesus in your personal ministry (Leadership Group, Grace Group, discipleship, evangelism, etc.)? Share with one another why you think you have a hard time or an easy time having a Loving Union with Jesus in ministry.

·      How can you practically develop a rhythm throughout the day and week listed above to develop a Loving Union with Jesus in your personal walk with God and the Grace Group leaders and members you oversee.


·      Pray for one another to commit to having a Loving Union with Jesus in their personal life and in their ministry.

·      Pray by name those you are personally reaching out to.

·      Pray that each member of Pearlside would commit to walking the one person God has placed on their heart through the discipleship process.



·      Sunday service times at our Main Campus are now 7:30am, 9:00am, 11:00am, 6:00pm, and 7:30pm.

·      Growth Track cycles begin the first Sunday of each month. Please encourage your leaders to walk in those who recently committed their life to Christ or are new in their faith to attend our Growth Track. Please see or our Pearlside App for more information.