Keeping The Focus on Christ

Keeping The Focus on Christ

Leadership Thought:

In today’s heated political climate, it is common to encounter people who think differently from us. As leaders, it’s essential to build bridges that transcend these differences, foster unity and love within our small groups, and keep the focus on the Kingdom of God. Jesus demonstrated this by calling diverse people to be part of His group of disciples. He broke down cultural and social barriers and unified them as children of God. Amid all of the political corruption and social injustice of His day, Jesus focused on calling people to repent, have faith in God, and obey the Word. Our goal as leaders is to create environments where this can happen in our small groups by keeping the focus on Jesus and His Word rather than our differences and opinions. 

The Importance of Keeping the Focus on Christ:

Hebrews 12:1-2: “Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith.”

If we are not careful, we can allow our disagreements to become the focus rather than God and His Word. Therefore, leaders must manage disagreements in the group and bring the focus back to Christ, His Word, and His mission. 

How to keep your small group focused on Christ:

1. Keep the small group meeting focused on the weekend sermon and the discussion guide:

  • Remember, the purpose of the small group meeting is to process life in the context of the weekend sermon and to apply lessons learned. The discussion guide is designed for this reason.

  • Don’t allow people to “hijack” the meeting or take the discussion on unnecessary tangents or “bunny trails” (i.e. politics).

  • Bring the focus back to the Word and the discussion guide. “That’s an interesting thought. Since it's off-topic, we can talk about it after the group. Let’s get back to the guide.”

2. Keep the focus on the Word and our response to it:

  • The Bible repeatedly challenges our sinful nature and calls us to repent. Often, we deflect away from ourselves by focusing on external matters like issues in the world or the sins of others.

  • Leaders must redirect people’s focus to their sins, encouraging repentance, faith, and obedience.

  • Ask, “What does God’s Word say about this?” “In light of the gospel, how does the Word say you should respond?”

3. Redirect people to live Christ’s mission for His Church:

  • Jesus was clear that His mission for the Church was not to overthrow the corrupt Roman or Jewish governments but to make disciples.

  • Our job as leaders is to lead people into obeying Christ’s Great Commission mandate to preach the gospel and make disciples.

Mark 16:15: “He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.”

Matthew 28:18-20: “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

  • Consider and ask, “How does your opinion further the mission of Christ’s Church, the Great Commission?” “What are you personally doing to preach the Gospel and make disciples?”

4. Redirect people towards prayer and trust in God:

  • The Bible is clear that we are to pray for our leaders and seek God’s will and intervention.

1 Timothy 2:1-2: "I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession, and thanksgiving be made for all people— for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness."

  • Furthermore, Scripture reminds us that God ultimately sets our political leaders in place and that we must vote responsibly and trust in Him no matter the outcome.

“Everyone must submit to governing authorities. For all authority comes from God, and those in positions of authority have been placed there by God. So anyone who rebels against authority is rebelling against what God has instituted.” (Romans 13:1-2 NLT)

These practices and perspectives help us lead through disagreements, focusing on Christ and His mission to seek and save the lost.

Discussion Questions:


    • What stands out to you most from the points above? How can any of the above thoughts be applied to your leadership? Explain.

    • How have you navigated diverse opinions or tensions between group members in the past? What did you do? What did you learn from those experiences? What can you do better in the future?

    • What practical steps can you take to ensure your group remains focused on Christ and the Great Commission? Explain.


    • Pray for wisdom and grace in leading the group through differences.

    • Pray for unity and mutual respect within the group.

    • Pray for a focus on Christ and His mission for the Church to make disciples.


Discipleship Track:

  • Kahala Discipleship Track, October 6, 13, 20, 27, and November 3 from 10:30 am - 12:00 pm in the Conference Room at Kahala Elementary School

Freedom Weekend:

  • Main Campus Men’s Freedom, September 28, from 9:30 am - 3:00 pm in classroom 1 at Main Campus

  • Main Campus Women’s Freedom, September 28, from 9:30 am - 3:30 pm in the Hub at Main Campus

  • Kahala Men’s Freedom Weekend, Saturday, October 12, from  9:00 am - 2:30 pm in the Hub at Main Campus

  • Kahala Women’s Freedom Weekend, Saturday, October 12, from  9:00 am - 2:30 pm in the Hub at Main Campus


September 14, 2024 - All Small Group Leaders Summit (*Leaders only)

If you have any questions or concerns, please email


Leading With A Sense Of Urgency

Leading With A Sense Of Urgency

Leadership Group Guide - August 2024

Leadership Thought:

Many of the parables Jesus taught remind us to live with a sense of urgency, knowing that the Lord’s return can happen at any time and that we will one day stand before God to give account for how we lived our lives. This urgency should also apply to our leadership. We need to lead, knowing that time is limited for us, those we lead, and the world we are trying to save. We never know when people will face a crisis or when they will stand before the Lord themselves. Additionally, the Enemy is at work in the world. He never rests in his mission to “steal, kill, and destroy” lives (John 10:10). What we see happening in the world and our communities requires courageous leaders who will not be deterred or distracted but will lead. Sometimes, the busyness of life can lull us into a state of complacency and comfort. Instead, we need to lead with intentionality and urgency to make a difference in the lives of others and make disciples who will impact the world for the Kingdom.

How do we lead with a sense of urgency?

“Spur” one another on towards Christlikeness.

“And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds…” (Hebrews 10:24 NIV)

Leaders are called to guide people to become more like Christ in every way. Sometimes, this comes as gentle encouragement, and other times, a more assertive challenge. Here, the Bible tells us to “spur one another on…” To “spur” refers to the spurs on the heels of a horse rider. Just as a spur digs into the skin, causing discomfort and motivating the horse to run, leaders provide “loving discomfort” to lead people toward discipleship. 

Sometimes, we can hesitate to challenge people, but this is the role leaders must play. Love must, at times, provide uncomfortable challenges to help people grow. Think about a parent forcefully challenging their child out of love. Leaders must not be afraid to do the same because we love those we lead.

Fight for consistency in spiritual disciplines.

…not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.” (Hebrews 10:25 NIV)

  • Urgency requires consistency. For people to grow as Christfollowers, consistency is necessary. Numerous forces pull people’s focus and attention away from God minute-to-minute. Therefore, consistency in church, small groups, and spiritual disciplines is essential.

  • We mustn’t shy away from fighting for consistency for ourselves and for those we lead.

Maximize every opportunity.

“Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity because the days are evil.” (Ephesians 5:15-16 NIV)

  • Scripture reminds us that a wise person makes the most of every opportunity to fulfill God's purposes. This means maximizing every evangelistic opportunity to share the gospel with our friends and loved ones at work or in our daily lives in the community because we never know when it will be our last opportunity. 

  • This also means maximizing every opportunity to help someone grow in their relationship with Christ. This would include our small group meetings, weekend services, discipleship over coffee or a meal, or a conversation to encourage and pray for someone to grow in their discipleship to Jesus.

  • Disciples of Christ see every opportunity to make a difference in someone’s life. By being intentional about this, we set an example for others to follow.

Discussion Questions:

  • Do you lead with a sense of urgency? Explain. What factors (distractions, mindsets, etc,.)  hinder you from doing so? What can be done about it?

  • How do you need to “spur” people under your leadership to grow as disciples of Christ? How has that been challenging for you? Why do you think that is? What is God prompting you to do in this situation?

  • What keeps you from maximizing every opportunity for God’s purposes? Explain. How is God challenging you to adjust your mindset?

  • Throughout your week, what opportunities do you have to reach out to someone who doesn’t know Jesus yet? How can you maximize those opportunities to reach out to them? Explain.


  • Pray for one another in a challenging leadership situation where you must “spur” someone in their discipleship to Christ.

  • Pray for one another to lead with a greater sense of urgency.

  • Pay for one another to maximize every opportunity to share the Gospel with someone.



Discipleship Track:

  • Main Campus Discipleship Track, August 3, 17, 24, 31, and September 7 from 9:00 am - 11:00 am in Classroom 1 at Main Campus

  • Downtown (Kahala) Discipleship Track, October 6, 13, 20, 27, and November 3 from 10:30 am - 12:00 pm in the Conference Room at Kahala Elementary School

Freedom Weekend:

  • Main Campus Men’s Freedom, September 28, from 9:30 am - 3:00 pm in classroom 1 at Main Campus

  • Main Campus Women’s Freedom, September 28, from 9:30 am - 3:30 pm in the Hub at Main Campus

  • Downtown (Kahala) Men’s Freedom Weekend, Saturday, October 5, from  9:00 am - 2:30 pm in the Hub at Main Campus

  • Downtown (Kahala) Women’s Freedom Weekend, Saturday, October 5, from  9:00 am - 2:30 pm in the Hub at Main Campus


September 14, 2024 - All Small Group Leaders Summit (*Leaders only)

If you have any questions or concerns, please email


Embracing Servant Leadership

Embracing Servant Leadership

Leadership Group Guide - July 2024

Leadership Thought:

As leaders, we are responsible for shepherding people to take their next steps in faith. A pivotal step is to lead people into serving, which is an essential part of the life of a disciple and growing in leadership. Serving is more than just fulfilling tasks, it's a way to grow in leadership, character, and spirituality. We are called to serve just as Jesus served us. 

“Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another’s feet. I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you.” (John 13:14-15 NIV)

Here’s how serving can effectively develop others:

  • Activating Gifts and Talents: Serving is an opportunity to discover how we are made and how God can use us. Whether playing an instrument, driving a shuttle, or teaching in Kid's Church, we grow spiritually as we contribute to God’s kingdom. We learn best by doing and often uncover other spiritual gifts and talents we didn’t realize we had. 

  • Building Relationships: The church is not just a building; it is the people. Serving helps develop relationships within the larger faith community and strengthens our connection to the church family. Research indicates that people get planted in a church once they have 5-7 relational connections. Working together to accomplish a mission fosters camaraderie and strengthens our bond.

  • Living Beyond Ourselves: Making a difference begins with serving. It is a practical way to shift our focus from ourselves to others. As we serve, we cultivate a sense of ownership in the church while creating an environment for people to encounter God. The teams that serve have an essential role in the growth of the congregation and its impact on people.

Leading Like Jesus

Jesus modeled servant leadership by showing us that true leadership is about lifting others up. He washed the disciples’ feet and taught that the greatest leaders are those who serve, emphasizing that no task is beyond anyone. We are never more like Jesus than when we serve others. Therefore, serving helps us to become more like Jesus. 

Practical Steps to Serve.

  • Encourage group members to join a Serve Team that interests them. 

  • Start by committing to serve once a month to establish a regular rhythm. 

  • Small groups can also serve together on a team.

As leaders, we must remember that when we invite people to serve, we are not asking them to fill a need, we are inviting them to become more like Christ and to contribute to His mission to the world. Let’s fulfill God’s call to love and serve others while also fostering a culture of compassion and generosity within Pearlside Church. Together, we can make a lasting impact in our community and beyond.

For more information about the different Serve Teams we have at Pearlside, head to


  • What stood out to you from the topic of serving? How has serving helped you develop your leadership?

  • In what areas of your life is God calling you to step outside your comfort zone to serve more effectively?

  • What struggles do you have when it comes to asking others to serve?  What do you think needs to change in your perspective for you to overcome this challenge?

  • How do you plan on walking your small group into serving? Share ideas and creative ways that have helped in the past.


  • Pray for each other's needs.

  • Pray for the person(s) you are raising in leadership.

  • Pray for the multiplication of new leaders and groups at Pearlside who are devoted to sharing the Gospel, making disciples, and raising new leaders.



Discipleship Track:

  • Main Campus Discipleship Track, August 3, 17, 24, 31, and September 7 from 9:00 am - 11:00 am in Classroom 1 at Main Campus.

Freedom Weekend:

  • Main Campus Women’s Freedom Weekend, Saturday, July 13, 2024, from 9:00 am - 3:30 pm in the Hub 1 at Main Campus.

  • Main Campus Men’s Freedom Weekend, Saturday, July 20, from  9:00 am - 2:30 pm in Classroom 1 at Main Campus.

  • Downtown Men’s Freedom Weekend, Saturday, October 5, from  9:00 am - 2:30 pm in the Hub at Main Campus.


In partnership with the Blood Bank of Hawaii, Pearlside's Main Campus lobby will turn into a blood receiving center on Saturday, July 20 from 7:00 am - 3:00 pm. With every pint of blood donated, 3 lives could be saved. To make an appointment, visit We are hoping to have 80 appointments filled to save as many lives as possible!


  • September 14, 2024 - All Leaders Summit

If you have any questions or concerns, please email


The Power of Feedback

The Power of Feedback

Leadership Group Guide - June 2024


Share any recent updates regarding identifying potential leaders from last month’s discussion.

Leadership Thought:

Developing and empowering small group leaders is essential for fostering spiritual growth and community. One of the most effective tools in this process is providing timely feedback. Providing and receiving feedback helps emerging leaders grow, build confidence, and develop their leadership skills.

Giving Feedback

Feedback is more than just evaluation—it's a tool for development. It helps individuals understand their strengths, identify areas for improvement, and stay motivated on their leadership journey. For small group leaders, this means understanding how effectively they facilitate discussions, engage members, and create a spiritually nourishing environment. Here's how feedback can be effectively used:

  • Specific and Timely: Provide clear, specific feedback as soon as possible. For example, "You did a great job facilitating discussion in your cluster. Next time, try involving members who are reluctant to share by asking them questions like ‘What do you think about that?.’”

  • Balance Positivity with Constructive Criticism: Start with what the leader is doing well before addressing areas for improvement. This approach builds confidence and makes constructive criticism more palatable. For example, "Your welcoming nature sets a positive tone for the group. One improvement might be starting the discussion quicker so we end on time."

  • Focus on Growth: Encourage a mindset of continuous improvement. Frame feedback in terms of “learning moments,” emphasizing that skills can be enhanced with effort and learning. For example, "Your insights are valuable, but you tend to dominate the discussion. If you can involve others and ask follow-up questions, the discussions will be more impactful."

Receiving Feedback

As we give feedback, we also need to be good at receiving feedback. Effective leaders are lifelong learners, always open to insights from others. Here are some tips for fostering this essential skill:

  • Be Open and Receptive: View feedback as an opportunity for growth rather than criticism. Ask for specifics and clarification if needed to fully understand the feedback. Avoid being defensive. Recognize that feedback is in love to help us to bring glory to God.

  • Reflect and Act: Take time to reflect on the feedback and develop an action plan to implement the suggestions. This demonstrates a commitment to personal and spiritual growth. Sometimes, we may have differing opinions. Instead of arguing, consider taking the feedback to God in prayer and let Him reveal the truth to you.

  • Seek Continuous Improvement: Regularly seek feedback from mentors, peers, and group members. This practice fosters a culture of growth and continuous improvement. Ask, “How do you think the group went?” “How do you think I can improve?”

Feedback is not just about pointing out what needs to change; it's about encouraging growth and building confidence. Through this process, we can raise a new generation of leaders prepared to disciple others.


  • What stood out to you from the topic of feedback? How has feedback helped you develop your leadership?

  • Share about someone you are currently empowering in leadership. How can you use feedback to help them develop in their leadership?

  • Identify one area in your small group leadership where you feel you could improve. Share this with the group and ask for specific feedback or advice.

As we welcome new people to our services, we encourage leaders to engage with them before and after the service. If you see someone unfamiliar, take the initiative to introduce yourself. This provides an opportunity to connect and contributes to a welcoming atmosphere where newcomers feel valued and loved. Remember, if they’re new to you, they might be new.


  • Pray for the person(s) you are raising in leadership.

  • Pray for the multiplication of new leaders and groups at Pearlside who are devoted to sharing the Gospel, making disciples, and raising new leaders.



At all of our weekend services from June 21-23 and June 28-30, we will be receiving brand new school supplies so children in need will have basic school supplies to start the new year.

Online giving will also be available from June 21-30. Givers will need to select "School Supply Drive" under Giving Type.

Visit for more information.


  • September 14, 2024 - All Leaders Summit

If you have any questions or concerns, please email


Who's Next?

Who's Next?


Leadership Group Guide - May 2024


Share any recent significant life events for prayer and celebration.

Leadership Thought:
Pearlside's mission is to make disciples, reach campuses, train leaders, start sites, and plant churches locally, nationally, and globally. We aim to empower each person to fulfill their God-given leadership potential.

While our weekend services have seen recent growth, we have not been able to connect new attendees to our Small Groups for discipleship and care at the same rate. To bridge this gap, we need to raise new leaders who can help us connect with and disciple others. As great as our services are, discipleship happens best in the relational context of a small group. It is the way Jesus and the early church made disciples.  We don’t want to settle for people simply attending a service; we want people to become more like Jesus. Our Small Groups are where real-life change happens. 

As we lead our groups, it's essential to identify and equip potential leaders, eventually empowering them to lead their own Small Groups. This approach ensures continued growth and multiplication that advances God’s Kingdom. 

FAITH is an acronym that can assist us in identifying a potential new leader:

  • Faithful: Consistent in attending the group and being on time

  • Available: Makes time for the group and the care for its members

  • Involved: Engaged in personal discipleship and group discussion and prayer

  • Teachable: Willing to receive and apply feedback

  • Hungry: Passionate for opportunities to share the Gospel and make disciples

How do we practically raise the next leader?

  • Start meeting consistently. Set a consistent time to connect for care and for equipping. Use the L2L Book to have ongoing conversations about leadership in Small Groups. 

  • Give them responsibility. Delegate tasks to emerging leaders, giving them opportunities to contribute to the group's health. This could be anything from bringing the discussion guide, sending out a group reminder text, or connecting and following up with a person(s) in the group using discipleship resources like the One2One book. Responsibility helps them to take ownership of the Small Group and to grow.

  • Give them opportunities to lead. Emerging leaders need opportunities to practice and refine their skills. This could be done by facilitating the overall group discussion or a cluster. Make sure to give feedback affirming what they did well and ways to improve.

  • Speak life to them. We can often be overly critical of ourselves. As leaders, it is important to verbalize the gifts and the strengths that we see in them. Make a habit of offering praise being specific about what you admire and appreciate about them.

Our job as leaders is to inspire new leaders by instilling faith in their leadership abilities. We're in leadership today because someone believed in us and gave us the opportunity to grow. Let's pass it on by empowering others to fulfill their purpose and make a difference.


  • Share about someone you are currently empowering in leadership. How have they grown in their walk with God as you’ve provided them with opportunities to lead? What are some challenges you faced or are facing? Explain.

  • Who are the other potential leaders in your group? What is your next step to help them grow in leadership? Explain.

As we welcome new people to our services, we want our leaders to engage with them before and after the service. If you see someone unfamiliar, take the initiative to introduce yourself. This provides an opportunity to connect and contributes to creating a welcoming atmosphere where newcomers feel valued and appreciated. Remember, if they’re new to you, they might be new. 


  • Pray for the person(s) you are raising in leadership.

  • Pray for the multiplication of new leaders and groups at Pearlside who are devoted to sharing the Gospel, making disciples, and raising new leaders.



Discipleship Track:

  • Downtown Discipleship Track, Sundays, May 12, 19, 26, and June 2 and 9, from 10:30 am to 11:45 am at YWCA Laniakea Room 105.

Freedom Weekend:

  • Main Campus Women’s Freedom Weekend, Saturday, May 11, 2024, from 9:00 am - 3:30 pm in the Hub at Main Campus.

  • Main Campus & Downtown Men’s Freedom Weekend, Saturday, May 18, 2024, from 9:00 am - 2:30 pm in Classroom 1 at Main Campus.

  • Kapolei Men’s Freedom Weekend, Saturday, May 18, 2024, from 8:30 am - 2:30 pm at Honouliuli Middle School.


  • September 14, 2024 - All Leaders Summit

If you have any questions or concerns, please email


Easter is Over. Now What?

Easter is Over. Now What?

Leadership Group Guide - April 2024

Our Easter celebrations were a success, with nearly 6,500 attendees across all congregations! We dedicated time to prayer, sent out invitations, and encouraged our loved ones to join us. Now that Easter is finished, what do we do? For Jesus Easter wasn’t an ending, but a beginning. After the resurrection, Jesus was busy following up with people revealing that He was alive for a period of 40 days. For us, it's time to shift our focus to the critical follow-up and follow-through of our guests.

Thinking Ahead: Next Steps
Bringing someone to service is just the beginning of their journey of discipleship. While we celebrate their attendance, the real work of follow-up begins now as we connect over coffee or lunch to reflect on their experience. Ask about their thoughts, what resonated with them, and their beliefs. Then, based on how open they are, we can prayerfully consider the next steps to keep their faith journey moving forward.

Green Light: Really Interested

  • Consider using discipleship resources like Purpose Driven Life (ideal for newcomers to faith) or One-to-One (suited for those with some awareness of faith) for deeper discussions on life and faith.

  • Aim to establish regular meetings using these resources as a foundation for connection and growth.

  • Connect those who are genuinely interested to a Small Group or walk them into the Growth Track class.

Yellow Light: Somewhat Interested

  • Encourage continued attendance at church with you as a next step to allow their faith to grow through the Word.

  • Continue to engage in consistent relationships and conversations about life and faith.

  • Look for opportunities to pray for them to connect them to God and His power.

Red Light: Not Interested

  • Maintain connection and continue praying for those resistant to Jesus or hesitant to commit to church.

  • Nurture the relationship and demonstrate God's love, believing that consistent connection can soften their hearts over time.

Everyone's Journey Is Different.
Remember, there's no one-size-fits-all approach to discipleship. Each person is at a unique stage in their journey, requiring personalized guidance and support. Regardless of where they are, there's always a next step, so continue to walk alongside them every step of the way and pray for them that God will open their hearts.


  • Have you had a chance to follow up with those who attended Easter? If so, how did it go?

  • What is the next step for the person you’re following up with?

  • How are we as leaders going to lead those in our small group to follow up with those they’ve invited?

As we welcome new people to our services, it's crucial for our leaders to engage with them both before and after the service. If you see someone unfamiliar, take the initiative to introduce yourself. This not only provides an opportunity to connect but also contributes to creating a welcoming atmosphere where newcomers feel valued and appreciated. Remember, if they’re new to you, they might be new.


  • Pray for wisdom and discernment as we reach out to and follow up with individuals who attended Easter service, asking God to guide us in the next steps for each person's spiritual journey.

  • Pray for open hearts and receptive spirits among those we connect with— that they may be responsive to God's prompting and eager to explore their faith further.

  • Pray for protection against spiritual attacks and discouragement. Ask God to strengthen our resolve and keep us focused on Him as we continue to serve and support others in their faith journeys.


All Leaders Summit | Saturday, April 27, 2024

We are so grateful for what you do as Small Group Leaders and Coaches. We wouldn’t be the church we are today if not for your commitment to partner with us in expanding God’s Kingdom. 

Please register now if you haven’t responded to the email invitation.

Every Nation School of Empowerment & Every Nation Schools of Healing

Pearlside Church will be holding the Schools of Empowerment from Monday, May 20, 2024 - Friday, May 24, 2024. This will be open to all of our Small Group Leaders. We encourage you to prayerfully consider being a part of this school. Registration will be open until April 16, 2024. 

The School of Empowerment (SOE) teaches about the person and power of God through the Holy Spirit. This program gives students authority over their spiritual gifts with theological and historical backgrounds. May 20-22, 2024 from 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM.

The School of Healing (SOH), part of the Schools of Empowerment, is focused on equipping you with healing the human soul through the word of God and the power of the Holy Spirit. This school is designed to help you as a pastor, campus missionary, or local church leader deal with the patterns of sin and pain that have proved resistant to change in the lives of those whom you are discipling. The school, which is divided into four sections, includes both classroom instruction along with practical, hands-on exercises. May 23-24, 2024 from 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM.

Come and be fully immersed in God’s transformational presence at the Schools of Empowerment. You will be challenged, inspired, equipped, and changed further into the likeness of Jesus and empowered to be a witness to the majesty, power, glory, and goodness of God in every sphere of society!


Preparing for Harvest: A Guide to Easter Evangelism

Preparing for Harvest: A Guide to Easter Evangelism

Leadership Group Guide - March 2024

“When he (Jesus) saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. Then he said to his disciples, ‘The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.’” (Matthew 9:36-38 NIV)

Harvest time signifies the ripeness of crops, ready for picking. Without swift harvesting, crops may spoil and be lost. In times of abundance, extra hands are required to ensure every fruit is gathered for purposeful use. Jesus illustrates that just as crops are ready for harvest, so too are people ripe for inclusion in His kingdom. 

Easter is a time when people are most open to Christ. Studies show that most non-Christians would attend an Easter service if invited by a close friend or loved one. As followers of Christ, Jesus is calling us to be active workers in his harvest field. This makes Easter a great opportunity to help people come to faith in Christ.

We believe we're on the cusp of a new season of revival, and we pray this Easter will help to spark it. As small group leaders, how do we prepare for this upcoming harvest?

Getting Ready for the Harvest:

  • Focus on relational evangelism, think “each one, reach one.”

    • Who is one person in my life that God is calling me to reach in this season?

  • Focus on non-Christians or backslidden Christians, not Christians who attend other churches.

    • We honor and stand alongside other churches, avoiding any practice of uprooting people from where they are planted. Direct your energy towards reaching the lost.

Preparing Small Groups for the Harvest:

  • Our Small groups must focus on Pearlside members and unreached guests.

    • Our focus is to disciple members and to reach those far from God.

  • Tripods should lead by example in relational evangelism.

  • Encourage intentional outreach efforts to connect with the lost and backslidden Christians.

  • Help group members identify individuals in their lives whom God has placed on their hearts.

    • Pray for people by name.

    • Invite that person for coffee or lunch within the next 2-3 weeks.


  • As members of the tripod, who are you reaching out to this season leading up to Easter?

  • How can you assist your groups in preparing to reach out to non-Christians before Easter?


  • Pray for your “one” by name that God would soften their heart and open their eyes to the gospel.

  • Pray for your group to be active in reaching their “one.”


All Leaders Summit | Saturday, April 27, 2024

We are so grateful for what you do as Small Group Leaders and Coaches. We wouldn’t be the church we are today if not for your commitment to partner with us in expanding God’s Kingdom. 

More information on this will be emailed to you within the month. Save the date and we hope to see you there!

Annual Financial Meeting | Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Pearlside’s annual financial meeting will be held on Wednesday, April 10 at the Main Campus in Classroom 1 at 7:00 pm. 
If you would like to attend, please RSVP by emailing by 12:00 pm, Monday, April 1.


Habits For Our Holiness

Habits For Our Holiness

Leadership Group Guide - February 2024

“Because we have these promises, dear friends, let us cleanse ourselves from everything that can defile our body or spirit. And let us work toward complete holiness because we fear God.” 

(2 Corinthians 7:1 NLT)

In the series "Set Apart," we explored the concept of God’s holiness and the call for us as believers to embody this holiness in our lives. But how do we practically cultivate this godly character? 

Here are eight habits designed to bring our thoughts, feelings, motivations, and actions into alignment with God:

  1. Prayer and Scripture Reading: Regularly engaging in prayer and studying the Scriptures deepens our understanding of God and His will for our lives. It's through this communion with Him that we gain insight and direction.

  2. Serving: Following the example of Jesus, serving others fosters humility and selflessness. When we extend compassion and help to those in need, we reflect the love of Christ in tangible ways.

  3. Fasting: Fasting involves temporarily abstaining from food to draw closer to God. It intensifies our prayer life and helps us focus on hearing from Him. Fasting is a way to deny ourselves while growing in faith.

  4. Sabbath and Rest: Sabbath is a gift from God for regular rest and renewal. It's not just about physical relaxation but also emotional and spiritual rejuvenation, maintaining balance in our lives.

  5. Accountability and Transparency: Being transparent about our struggles and weaknesses opens the door for support and prayer from others. This vulnerability invites God's healing power into our lives and strengthens our relationships with others.

  6. Tithe and Generosity: Giving our tithe honors God and acknowledges His provision in our lives. Additionally, practicing generosity reflects God's own character and teaches us to trust Him with our resources, prioritizing the needs of others.

  7. Forgiveness: When we hold on to anger, resentment, and other negative emotions, we create blocks that prevent us from deeply connecting with God and others. Forgiveness is not a feeling, it is a choice. As we’ve experienced forgiveness from God, we must extend that same forgiveness to others.

  8. Discipling Others: Discipleship is the process of reaching, establishing, equipping, and training someone to grow in Christ. As we help others grow in their faith, we deepen our understanding of God's love.

Remember, while these habits don't save us, they serve as pathways for salvation to transform every aspect of our lives. As leaders, we recognize that we lead out of the overflow of who we are. Perfection isn't the goal, but rather a continual progression in our journey of faith. Let's strive to live out these practices, allowing God's grace to work in and through us each day.


  • Which of these habits have been impactful in your spiritual growth? Share personal experience and insight. 

  • Which are the most challenging? How can you take steps to grow in these areas?

  • How can you practically reflect God’s holiness in your actions, attitudes, and relationships?


  • Pray for each other’s needs and spiritual growth.

  • Pray for health and growth in our small groups.

  • Pray for upcoming leaders.



We encourage you to go through our classes with your small group members. The sessions have been updated to support you in your journey of discipleship together. Check our website for details regarding the schedule and locations of these classes.

  • Growth Track

  • Freedom Weekend

  • Discipleship Track


Mark your calendars, in February and March the Towers are coming back! Senior Pastors of Highpoint Church in Florida, Pastor Keith and Jenifer Tower, will be leading our Marriage and Parenting workshops again this year!

Marriage Workshop: YOU + ME + GOD | February 24, 2024 

Discover the key components you, your spouse, and God contribute to a flourishing marriage. 

Parenting Workshop: CONTENDING FOR YOUR TEENS | March 2, 2024

Get equipped and encouraged to help your teens thrive during this unique stage of life.


Set Apart - Consecrating Ourselves to God's Purposes

Set Apart - Consecrating Ourselves to God's Purposes

Leadership Group Guide - January 2024

What a powerful week of prayer and fasting! Fasting is a spiritual tool God uses to advance His Kingdom, change the destiny of nations, spark revival, and bring breakthroughs in people’s lives. Every Nation Churches and Campus Ministries–of which Pearlside Church is a member of–begin each year with prayer and fasting to humble ourselves before God, consecrate ourselves to him for the upcoming year, and corporately agree for breakthroughs.

We entered 2024 with the goal of living “Set Apart”; having a more thoroughly biblical view of holiness that glorifies God, transforms our hearts, and increases our missional passion. As you reflect on your fast, share the following and pray with each other:

  1. What personal revelation of Holiness did God call you to? What are the practical steps you are going to take to live this out?

  2. How is God challenging you in your leadership to use your God-given gifts and talents to serve your small group and your congregation better this year? What is your next step? 

You may not be able to gather your entire LG this month, but we do encourage you to have conversations with your leaders. Also, encourage your leaders to have this conversation with their tripods. 

Thank you for helping people to know God, follow God, discover their purpose, and make a difference by helping others do the same. Our groups are imperative in the church’s mission to share the Gospel and make disciples. Without you, we would not exist. Let’s continue to make disciples together in 2024 and beyond!


Discipleship Classes:

Discipleship Pathway: Ongoing 

Growth Track, Discipleship Track, & Freedom Weekend

Upcoming Training & Workshops:

  • Feb 10, 2024 | All  Coaches Training - Invitation sent via email 

  • February 24, 2024 | Marriage Workshop: YOU + ME + GOD 

    Discover the key components you, your spouse, and God contribute to a flourishing marriage.

  • March 2, 2024 | Parenting Workshop: CONTENDING FOR YOUR TEENS 

    Get equipped and encouraged to help your teens thrive during this unique stage of life.


Moving From Maintenance to Multiplication

Moving From Maintenance to Multiplication

Leadership Group Guide - November 2023

Stage 1: Clarify your tripod (the core committed members of the group).

  • Facilitator

  • Apprentice

  • Third believer

Stage 2: Start clustering.

Clustering is when one group breaks into smaller groups of 3-5 for discussion in the same location. This enables greater participation and a safe environment for people to process and share. Additionally, leading a cluster is an easy onramp for people into small group leadership since almost everyone can facilitate a discussion of 3-4 others.

Stage 3: Solidify cluster leaders.

Designate set cluster facilitators, often members of the tripod. This creates a consistent expectation for cluster facilitators to come prepared to lead a cluster.

Stage 4: Develop tripods in each cluster.

Once the clusters gain consistency, work towards developing a tripod within each cluster. This will build the leadership core of each cluster, which is necessary for clusters to become stand-alone small groups.

Stage 5: Engage in relational evangelism.

Relational evangelism should be a constant at each of the above phases, but particularly when a group has consistency. We must resist the temptation to be stagnant with the same people. We must be constantly reaching new people.


  • What stage are you in your small group right now? Where do you need to put your focus in this season?

  • Who are the potential cluster leaders that you can identify? Who are the potential tripod members in your group?


(Pair up to pray for one another.)

  • Pray for the new, potential cluster leaders/ tripod members that you are going to invite into leadership.


LEGACY OFFERING | Starting November 24, 2023

The Legacy Offering is the annual end-of-the-year offering that we receive above and beyond the tithe

designated for our mission of expansion. Gifts can be sent through the Pearlside App, online on our

website, or at any of our services beginning on the last weekend of November until the end of the year.


  • February 10, 2024 - All Coaches Summit

  • April 27, 2024 -  All Leaders Summit

  • September 14, 2024 - All Leaders Summit


Keep up to date with all of our upcoming class schedules by checking our website. Growth Track, Discipleship Track, and Freedom Weekend classes are available at all our congregations. If you or anyone in your Small Group hasn’t attended our classes yet, we strongly encourage you to register at

If you have any questions or concerns, please email


Best Practices to Prepare for Revival

Best Practices to Prepare for Revival

Leadership Group Guide - October 2023

We believe that we are entering into a season of harvest and revival just as the prophetic word from Prophet Laffoon stated. We see glimpses of awakening and revival on college campuses and in small pockets around the US. Here in Hawaii, we are starting to see the embers of awakening and revival as well. Small groups on middle school, high school, and college campuses where we've previously seen harvest are starting to bear fruit once again. We are also seeing a wave of people from all generations come to faith in Christ and get water baptized.

This is just the beginning. How do we prepare ourselves and our groups for the revival and awakening that God wants to bring? We must remember that prophetic words must be responded to with faith and obedience.

“We received the same promises as those people in the wilderness, but the promises didn’t do them a bit of good because they didn’t receive the promises with faith.” (Hebrews 4:2 MSG) 

How do we respond with faith and obedience?

  • Prayer.

One of the hallmarks of revival is prayer. 

  • We are dedicating the month of October to prayer. Visit for more information and for a list of prayer pockets that you and your group can attend. It all culminates in our three days of prayer and fasting on October 24-26. Let’s rally our people to pray because more prayer, more power!

  • Plan for multiplication. 

Our goal is for each of our groups to multiply and reproduce another group this year to create more room for new people. To help us accomplish this, walk people through the discipleship process.

  • Discipleship Resources: One2One, Purple Book, Purpose Driven Life.

  • Classes: Growth Track, Freedom Weekend, Discipleship Track.

  • Discipleship Milestones: Water Baptism, Baptism in the Holy Spirit, Stewardship- fully tithing, Serving on a serve team, Sent on mission in personal evangelism.

  • Start clustering and empower more leaders.

We need to create more containers in advance of the harvest. Clustering enables new leaders to emerge. 


  • What does your group need to do to prepare for the harvest?

  • Who are the potential new leaders you can begin preparing to help with the harvest?


  • Pray for one specific leadership challenge you are facing.

  • Pray for new leaders to emerge and for each of our groups to reproduce another group this year.



Mark your calendars for our annual prayer and fasting "Seek Week" happening October 24 - 26. We'll set aside food and feast on God's presence. Our small groups will transform into prayer circles and we're hosting corporate prayer every night at 6:30 pm at the Main Campus and at 7:00 pm on Thursday, October 26 at Kapolei.

Visit for more information on our prayer pockets!


To better serve you, we have a Contact Information Update form that will be used to keep you up to date with the necessary information at our church. 

If you have recently joined our Pearlside family or have any changes to your household information, please complete and submit this form. Please complete and submit the form by Tuesday, October 31st, 2023.


  • February 10, 2024 - All Coaches Summit

  • April 27, 2024 -  All Leaders Summit

  • September 14, 2024 - All Leaders Summit

If you have any questions or concerns, please email


Important Perspectives to Love Others in Times of Crisis

Important Perspectives to Love Others in Times of Crisis

Leadership Group Guide - September 2023

Important Perspectives to Love Others in Times of Crisis

1. Remember S.L.A.P.P.

  • START conversations so people can tell their stories.

  • LISTEN. Practice incarnational listening.

  • ASK follow-up questions.

  • PRAY for their needs.

  • PROCLAIM  the truth.

2. God BLESSED mankind.

“God blessed them and said to them, ‘Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it…’” (Genesis 1:28 NIV)

3. God gave man FREE WILL .

“The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it. And the Lord God commanded the man, ‘You are free to eat from any tree in the garden; but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat from it you will certainly die.’” (Genesis 2:15-17 NIV)

4. The curse of death is the result of HUMAN SIN.

“…Cursed is the ground because of you…until you return to the ground, since from it you were taken; for dust you are and to dust you will return.” (Genesis 3:17, 19 NIV)

5. CREATION  is broken because of sin.

“For the creation waits in eager expectation for the children of God to be revealed. For the creation was subjected to frustration, not by its own choice, but by the will of the one who subjected it, in hope that the creation itself will be liberated from its bondage to decay and brought into the freedom and glory of the children of God.” (Romans 8:19-21 NIV)

6. God LOVES and redeems.

“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.” (John 3:16-17 NIV)

7. EARTH  is no longer our home.

“Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth,’ for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea. saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband. And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, ‘Look! God’s dwelling place is now among the people, and he will dwell with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God. “He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death” or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.’” (Revelation 21:1-4 NIV)

8. God GRIEVES  over human sin and suffering. 

“The Lord saw how great the wickedness of the human race had become on the earth, and that every inclination of the thoughts of the human heart was only evil all the time. The Lord regretted that he had made human beings on the earth, and his heart was deeply troubled. (Genesis 6:5-6 NIV)

“Then Jesus asked them, ‘Which is lawful on the Sabbath: to do good or to do evil, to save life or to kill?’ But they remained silent. He looked around at them in anger and, deeply distressed at their stubborn hearts, said to the man, ‘Stretch out your hand.’ He stretched it out, and his hand was completely restored.” 

(Mark 3:4-5 NIV)

9. God works for GOOD in all things.

“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” (Romans 8:28 NIV)

10. God IS LOVE.

“Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love.” (1 John 4:8 NIV) 

“This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers and sisters.” (1 John 3:16 NIV)

Just as Jesus demonstrated love by slowing down to enter into human sin and suffering, we must slow down and enter into the lives of others to bring the hope of the Gospel.

Discussion Questions:

  • What stood out to you from todays teaching?

  • How can you apply any of the principles taught today to help someone walk through crisis? Explain.

Future Small Group Leaders Summits:

  • February 10, 2024 - All Coaches Summit

  • April 20, 2024 -  All Leaders Summit

  • September 14, 2024 - All Leaders Summit

Small Group Leaders Tutorials

Pearlside App:


If you have any questions or concerns, please email


Seasons of Small Group Life

Seasons of Small Group Life

Leadership Group Guide - August 2023

Small group life progresses through seasons. It is helpful to know what season your group is in to lead and navigate properly.

1. GATHERING: The initial phase of the group where the tripod is established and consistent relational discipleship begins.

    • Establish the core or tripod. 

    • Choose a location that best facilitates focused discussion and outreach.

    • Begin meeting weekly to go over the Small Group Discussion Guide for relational discipleship.

    • Develop a list of unreached friends/family members and begin praying over them and making connections.

2. REACHING: Once the group is established, group members should begin reaching out to others through relational evangelism.

    • Begin intentionally reaching out to seekers, former attendees, and attendees not yet in a Small Group.

    • Encourage one another to practice relational evangelism.

    • Plan monthly “outreach” gatherings to include the seekers that individuals are reaching out to.

    • Once seekers are open, members can utilize discipleship tools for one-to-one evangelism/discipleship (One to One Book, Purpose Driven Life, & Purple Book).

    • When they are ready, invite them to the group.

3. ESTABLISHING: As new believers join the group, they need to be established in the faith with biblical foundations.

    • Ensure that each new believer has been established through one-to-one discipleship resources as appropriate (One to One, Purpose Driven Life, Purple Book).

    • Ensure that each new believer has been through Pearlside’s Discipleship Classes.

    • Grow through relational discipleship in weekly small groups using the SGDG, one-to-one discipleship, and by attending our foundations classes. (Growth Track, Freedom Weekend, Discipleship Track)

4. REPRODUCING: As the group grows, preparations must be made to reproduce and multiply. Groups that don’t multiply will get “stuck.” 

Groups begin reproducing by “clustering,” starting “extensions,” or “planting” a new small group.

  • Step One: Clustering

    Break the group up into smaller “clusters” of 3-5 people led by the members of the tripod Clustering maintains the relational connection between group members, but divides the group into smaller circles for greater relational connection and deeper processing.

  • Step Two: Extensions and Plants

    As clusters gain traction, they can move to different locations/times to best suit the group’s needs. This is called an “extension group” or “planting” a new group. This “cutting of the umbilical cord” is necessary for the new facilitator to grow in their faith and leadership and to feel empowered. The new group can then develop a new tripod multiplying more leaders. 

    • An “extension” group is a group that moves to another time/location from the original group but does not have an established tripod. It is still under the leadership coverage of the original group.

    • A group “plant” happens when the new group moves time/locations from the original group and has a fully functional tripod. It is no longer under the original group’s leadership coverage.

Discussion Questions & Application:

  1. What season do you feel most reflects your group right now? What practical steps can you apply in this season?

  2. What challenges are you facing as a leader? Take time to pray for one another over these areas of challenge.


All Small Group Leaders Summit | September 9, 2023
We are so grateful for what you do as Small Group Leaders. We won’t be the church we are today if not for your commitment to partner with us in expanding God’s Kingdom. That’s why we want to celebrate with all of our Small Group Leaders at our next All Small Group Leaders Summit. Don’t forget to RSVP through the email that was sent to you. We hope to see you there!

Small Group Leaders Tutorials

Pearlside App:


If you have any questions or concerns, please email




Leadership Group Guide - July 2023

1. Small groups with a functioning tripod have the best chance of thriving.

2. What is a tripod?

  • Leader/Facilitator: the primary group facilitator.

  • Apprentice: one who co-leads the group and is in training to lead their own small group within a year. They are typically the first to branch out as a “cluster” facilitator, “extension” group leader, or “branch” a new group.

  • Third Believer: a consistent member of the group who supports the leader and apprentice. Sometimes known as an “assistant” to the leader and apprentice. They would most logically be in line to become the next apprentice before ultimately becoming a leader of their own group. They would also be next in line to branch out as a “cluster” facilitator.

3. Small groups without a tripod tend not to last.

4. How to establish a tripod in an existing group:

  • Start sharing responsibility: as leaders, share the responsibility to shepherd the group with others in the group and potential tripod members will emerge.

    • Calls/Text Reminders: often the leader carries the responsibility to call/text group members. Other tripod members can share this responsibility. 

    • Group Facilitation: Intentionally schedule other members of the tripod to rotate in and facilitate group meetings. This enables others to gain experience and confidence in facilitating a meeting.

    • Clustering: When a group grows to 6 or more, a best practice is to “cluster” or break the group into groups of 3 or 4. This often enables greater conversation and transparency. This also allows newer facilitators to develop skills and confidence facilitating a smaller group.

    • One-to-one Discipleship: Often the leader carries the burden to disciple new members by themselves. Instead, leaders should share the responsibility with others in the group, particularly the tripod. This gets more people involved in shepherding the members of the group.

  • When leadership is demonstrated, formally ask people to be part of the tripod.

Discussion Questions & Application:

  1. How can you apply today’s conversation to establish or strengthen your tripod? Explain.

  2. Who are some potential tripod members in your group? Pray for them by name.


All Small Group Leaders Celebration | September 9, 2023
We are so grateful for what you do as Small Group Leaders. We won’t be the church we are today if not for your commitment to partner with us in expanding God’s Kingdom. That’s why we want to celebrate with all of our Small Group Leaders at our next All Small Group Leaders Gathering. More information on this will be emailed to you within the month of July. Save the date and we hope to see you there!

Small Group Leaders Tutorials

If you have any questions or concerns, please email

Life Matters |
The Life Matters Ministry believes through strong marriages and families, we will build a strong church that is committed to making disciples, raising leaders, and planting churches. Visit to see what workshops we have for you and your family.

Life Matters Workshops coming soon:

  • Marriage Huddle | Saturday, July 29

  • Premarital Coaching | Saturdays starting July 22

  • Financial Peace University | Tuesdays starting August 29


Fight for Consistency

Fight for Consistency

Leadership Group Guide - June 2023

Amid a busy summer, we must remain vigilant and consistent.

“Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.” (1 Peter 5:8 NIV)

The Enemy is working to destroy people’s lives.

“...The kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed good seed in his field. But while everyone was sleeping, his enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat, and went away. When the wheat sprouted and formed heads, then the weeds also appeared.” (Matthew 13:24-26 NIV)

“‘…A farmer went out to sow his seed. As he was scattering the seed, some fell along the path, and the birds came and ate it up. Some fell on rocky places, where it did not have much soil. It sprang up quickly, because the soil was shallow. But when the sun came up, the plants were scorched, and they withered because they had no root. Other seed fell among thorns, which grew up and choked the plants. Still other seed fell on good soil, where it produced a crop—a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown. Whoever has ears, let them hear.’”  (Matthew 13:3-9 NIV)

  • The thorns/weeds choke the spiritual lives of believers.

Therefore, we must be consistent and persistent in being and making disciples. 

“And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.” (Hebrews 10:24-25 NIV)

1. Fight for consistency in church.

    • Encourage people to attend alternative services if they are unable to attend their regular service.

    • At the very least, everyone can watch a service online. (On youtube or

2. Fight for consistency in groups.

    • Find an alternative group if they can't attend your main group.

    • Create an alternative pocket for your group to meet.

    • Utilize technology as a fallback. (Facetime, Zoom, etc.)

3. Fight for consistency in evangelism and discipleship.

    • Fight for consistent meetings with people.

Discussion Questions & Application:

  1. How is your consistency challenged in this season?

  2. What practical steps can you take to be consistent and lead your group to be consistent this summer?


Discipleship Tools |

Discipleship Classes |
Pearlside Church is determined to help train and develop you to make disciples. If you or anyone you know in your group hasn’t attended any of our classes in the last year, we encourage you to register and attend our upcoming classes. Check our website or the App for our class schedules at our different congregations.

  • Growth Track

  • Discipleship Track

  • Freedom Weekend

School of Empowerment | July 10-14, 2023
Come and be fully immersed in God’s transformational presence at the School of Empowerment (SOE). You will be challenged, inspired, equipped, and changed further into the likeness of Jesus and empowered to be a witness to the majesty, power, glory, and goodness of God in every sphere of society!

Pearlside Church will be holding the School of Empowerment from July 10-14. This will be open to all of our Small Group Leaders. We encourage you to prayerfully consider being a part of this school. Registration will be open until June 15, 2023. Click below to register or to learn more about the school.


What's Most Important Right Now

What's Most Important Right Now

Leadership Group Guide - May 2023

We had a great Easter at all of our services and congregations. God showed us the people He wants us to shepherd. The work is now on the ground to follow up and disciple those who attended and have yet to return. 

Easter Service Attendance

Easter 2023: 5207 

Easter 2022: 3872 

+1235 from last year (+134%)

  • These are the people we are called to shepherd.


While our service attendance has grown, our small group attendance has remained flat. This is a concern since true discipleship happens relationally in small groups, not in large services. 

Small Group Attendance

2023: 1582

2022: 1515

  • We are a discipleship church. Therefore, this is where we need to improve to care for the people God is calling us to shepherd.


We need more “jars” to care for the harvest.

  • We need approximately 181 more groups.

  • If half of our current groups branch or plant another group this year, we will exceed this goal.


What’s most important right now?

“Each one REACH one, each one DISCIPLE one, each one TRAIN one this year.”


1) Each one REACH one…

As leaders, we must model a lifestyle of evangelism.

  • Be consistently present in the lives of the people you are reaching out to.

  • Follow up with those who came to Easter in a casual setting over coffee, or lunch. Ask “What did you think of church? Do you have any questions about church, God, the Bible, etc.?”

  • Be intentional and consistent, not random with evangelism.

2) Each one DISCIPLE one…

Those who believe must be “discipled,” or taught to follow Jesus by establishing biblical foundations in their lives.

  • Continue meeting consistently, relationally connecting, answering questions, and sharing about your faith until it’s time to introduce a discipleship resource.

  • Several resources include:

  • The goal should be to meet weekly, discussing chapter by chapter until it is completed.

  • During this process, introduce them to a small group when appropriate. The synergy of the group is essential for discipleship to take place.


3) Each one TRAIN one…

  1. All leaders must be training someone else to lead. This is how we will multiply containers for the harvest.

  2. Designate “cluster” leaders and break groups into clusters of 3-5. Clustering enables new leaders to grow and provides a better environment for relational discipleship to take place.

Discussion Questions & Application (45 minutes):

  1. Who are you reaching? What lessons can you apply to reach the people in your life?

  2. Who are you discipling? What steps are you taking? What can you apply from today’s discussion?

  3. Who are you training to lead? What steps must you take to develop another leader and multiply your group?


Discipleship Tools |

Discipleship Classes |
Pearlside Church is determined to help train and develop you to make disciples. If you or anyone you know in your group hasn’t attended any of our classes in the last year, we encourage you to register and attend our upcoming classes. Check our website or the App for our class schedules at our different congregations.

  • Growth Track

  • Discipleship Track

  • Freedom Weekend

Pearlside Small Group Leaders Podcast
Listen to our weekly podcast to help prepare as you lead your Small Group. This is a valuable resource that you can use to equip your apprentices to lead a cluster or prepare them to start their own group. The podcast can be accessed on our Pearlside App under Small Group Leaders Resources or through Spotify and Apple Podcasts. Search for Pearlside Small Group Leaders Podcast.

School of Empowerment | July 10-14, 2023
Come and be fully immersed in God’s transformational presence at the School of Empowerment (SOE). You will be challenged, inspired, equipped, and changed further into the likeness of Jesus and empowered to be a witness to the majesty, power, glory, and goodness of God in every sphere in society!

Pearlside Church will be holding the School of Empowerment from July 10-14. This will be open to all of our Small Group Leaders. We encourage you to prayerfully consider being a part of this school. Registration will be open until June 15, 2023. Click below to register or to learn more about the school.


“Today’s Fresh Move of God” & “Relational Discipleship: Why Small Groups?”

“Today’s Fresh Move of God” & “Relational Discipleship: Why Small Groups?”

Leadership Group Guide - April 2023

We’re in the midst of revival and must disciple the harvest God brings us. Pastor Norman’s recent blog, “Today’s Fresh Move of God” provides insight on the last great revival and how we should respond to the revival we are experiencing. His “Lead Sheet”, “Relational Discipleship: Why Small Groups?” reminds us why our groups are important now more than ever.

The blog and Lead Sheet are provided below. Please read and take notes before attending your Leadership Group. Be ready to discuss.

Today’s Fresh Move of God - Norman Nakanishi

Relational Discipleship: Why Small Groups?

Discussion Questions & Application (45 minutes):

  1. What stands out to you from Pastor Norman’s blog “Today’s Fresh Move of God?” How do you need to respond as a leader?

  2. In light of Pastor Norman’s Lead Sheet, “Relational Discipleship: Why Small Groups?”, what adjustments could be made to ready your group for revival?

Prayer Points (15 minutes):

  1. Is anyone in your group experiencing revival in their family, workplace, campus, etc.? Pray together for the revival happening and for support.

  2. Pray for revival around the world as every Christian commits to sharing the Gospel and making disciples.

  3. Pray that our groups would experience a harvest of new people to lead to Christ and disciple.


Discipleship Tools |

Discipleship Classes |
Pearlside Church is determined to help train and develop you to make disciples. If you or anyone you know in your group hasn’t attended any of our classes in the last year, we encourage you to register and attend our upcoming classes. Check our website or the App for our class schedules at our different congregations.

  • Growth Track

  • Discipleship Track

  • Freedom Weekend

God has been adding to our congregation weekly in our services and small groups. With this in mind, we are asking that you remind and encourage all group members to be warm connectors at services. If they are new to you they are new. Take time to be relational connectors at services. 


Multiplying Containers for the Harvest

Multiplying Containers for the Harvest

Leadership Group Guide - March 2023

There is a harvest of new people groups God is calling us to reach. At our February Coaches Training, Pastor Billy Lile taught how we could reach these groups by identifying, training, and sending new leaders from our existing Small Groups.

Watch the video of the training and review its notes before attending your Leadership Group. Be ready to discuss.

“‘Your servant has nothing there at all,’ she said, ‘except a small jar of olive oil.’ 3Elisha said, ‘Go around and ask all your neighbors for empty jars. Don’t ask for just a few. 4Then go inside and shut the door behind you and your sons. Pour oil into all the jars, and as each is filled, put it to one side.’ 5She left him and shut the door behind her and her sons. They brought the jars to her and she kept pouring. 6When all the jars were full, she said to her son, ‘Bring me another one.’ But he replied, ‘There is not a jar left.’ Then the oil stopped flowing.” (2 Kings 4:2-6 NIV)

How can we multiply containers for the harvest? I.C.E.

  1. IDENTIFY potential leaders.

  2. CREATE new containers with new leaders.

  3. EXTEND beyond the existing group to reach new people and people groups.

1. Identify potential leaders:

FAITHFUL: They demonstrate a determination to be faithful to the Lord.

FRIENDLY: They demonstrate a determination to love people and to connect relationally.

FACILITATE: They demonstrate an ability to facilitate conversations in small groups and in one-to-ones.

2. Create new containers with new leaders:

EQUIP potential leaders in existing groups so that we can create new containers for new people.

How can we do this?

  • Start by CLUSTERING.

  • Establish CONSISTENT cluster facilitators.

  • EXTEND out to start new groups with new people groups.

3. Extend beyond the existing group to reach new people and new people groups.

Help people to IDENTIFY their people group.

1. People we interact with on a REGULAR basis.

  • Coworkers

  • Activities

  • Kids’ friends

2. People with shared INTERESTS and natural affinity.

3. People God is CALLING you to build with.

Help people to be intentional with their people group. Remember S.A.L.p.T. or S.L.A.P.

  1. START a conversation.

  2. LISTEN for their needs.

  3. ASK follow-up questions.

  4. PRAY for them.

If they are open:

  1. START meeting consistently to start One to One or Purpose Driven Life.

  2. INVITE them to an existing Small Group or church.

  3. OPEN a new pocket for new people.

If they are not open yet:

  1. CONTINUE meeting consistently.

  2. Keep “SLAPping” them.

Discussion Questions & Application (45 minutes):

  1. Where are you in your personal leadership? Are there any potential new leaders in your group?

  2. Do you need to create new pockets for new people? Do you need to extend to reach new people?

Prayer Points (15 minutes):

  1. Pray for new leaders to rise up in your group.

  2. Pray that your group will start new pockets and extensions to reach new people.


Freedom Weekend
If you know anyone in your groups who hasn’t gone through our Freedom Weekend Class, encourage them to attend one of the pockets opening up in March. Freedom Weekend is a powerful class designed to allow God to speak His truth to us, draw closer to us, and transform us in a powerful way. The goal of this class is to help us arise out of our sin and its effects into a new life of freedom and victory.

  • Downtown | March 11, 2023
    Men & Women - City Financial Tower (9:30 am - 2:00 pm)

  • Main Campus | March 25, 2023
    Women’s Main Campus - Worship Center (9:00 am - 3:30 pm)
    Men’s Main Campus - The Hub (9:00 am - 2:30 pm)

Register at

Discipleship Tools |

New Sermon Podcasts
We have a new way to listen to our weekend sermons! Listen to your congregation’s sermons on our Pearlside App and select your congregation, or on Spotify by searching Pearlside Church | [Congregation] (example: Pearlside Church | Pearl Highlands)

*Main Campus’ Podcast is available on Apple Podcasts as well. (Other congregations to follow)

Pearlside Small Group Leaders Podcast
Listen to our weekly podcast to help prepare as you lead your Small Group. This is a valuable resource that you can use to equip your apprentices to lead a cluster or prepare them to start their own group. The podcast can be accessed on our Pearlside App under Small Group Leaders Resources or through Spotify and Apple Podcasts. Search for Pearlside Small Group Leaders Podcast.

Annual Financial Meeting | Wednesday, March 29, 2023
Pearlside’s annual financial meeting will be held on Wednesday, March 29 at Main Campus in Classroom 1 at 7:00 pm. If you would like to attend, please RSVP by emailing by Monday, March 20 at 12:00 pm.


Relationships that Lead to Discipleship

Relationships that Lead to Discipleship

Leadership Group Guide - February 2023

In this month’s Leadership Group Podcast, Pastors Billy Lile and Russell Tolentino discuss how we can use discipleship resources like the One 2 One and Purpose Driven Life books to help lead those we are intentionally “SLAPT-ing” into a relationship with Jesus. God has called us to share the Gospel and make disciples, and we can best do that through relational discipleship.

Listen to the podcast before attending your Leadership Group and be ready to discuss.

Podcast Notes:

  • S.L.A.P.T. (S.A.L.P.T. is still applicable as well)

    • START conversations so people can tell their stories.

    • LISTEN. Really listen. (Romans 12:15)

    • ASK Questions.

    • PRAY for them. (James 5:16)

    • TELL the truth.

  • What do we do after S.L.A.P.T.?

    • If they are open to hearing more about Jesus:

      • Set up a consistent time to go over discipleship resources such as the One 2 One book, the Purpose Driven Life book, The Purple Book, or our Small Group Discussion Guide. 

      • You can determine what discipleship resources to use and when to introduce them based on their openness and availability. 

      • Quickly follow up with them. The devil does not want them to begin a personal relationship with Jesus.

      • Foundations of faith are formed in the consistency of relational discipleship.

      • Continue to “SLAPT” before and after going over the discipleship resource. The goal of meeting with them is relational discipleship, not just going through the content.

      • As leaders, we must encourage our group members to make relational discipleship a part of their everyday rhythms of life.

  • If they are not open to hearing more about Jesus:

    • Don’t be discouraged and continue to build relationships with them by consistently “SLAPT-ing” them.

    • When they are ready to hear more about Jesus, they will reach out to you because of the trust and friendship you’ve built with them over time.

Discussion Questions & Application (45 minutes):

  1. Share what stood out to you most from the podcast’s teaching.

  2. Who are you “SLAPT-ing” consistently and following up with? What discipleship resources are you using? What is God teaching you about relational discipleship?

  3. How can we get each group member to consistently “SLAPT” those God has placed on their heart and use discipleship resources with them?

Prayer Points (15 minutes):

  1. Pray that those our group members and we are “SLAPT-ing” will receive Jesus as Lord and Savior and begin their discipleship journey.

  2. Pray that God will unleash miracles, signs, and wonders as we step out in faith and pray for those around us.


Discipleship Tools |

Life Matters Seminars 2023

There are so many views on marriage and parenting it can be challenging to know how to best build your family. These Simple and Sacred seminars will save you the trouble of trial and error. We will show you the best design that God has for marriage, and the best design that God has for parenting so that you will thrive in the days and years to come.

For more information and to register, visit our website at

Marriage Seminar - February 25 | 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
Parenting Seminar - March 4 | 12:00 pm - 3:00 pm

New Sermon Podcasts
We have a new way to listen to our weekend sermons! Listen to your congregation’s sermons on our Pearlside App and select your congregation, or on Spotify by searching Pearlside Church | [Congregation] (example: Pearlside Church | Pearl Highlands)

*Main Campus’ Podcast is available on Apple Podcasts as well. (Other congregations to follow)

Pearlside Small Group Leaders Podcast
Listen to our weekly podcast to help prepare as you lead your Small Group. This is a valuable resource that you can use to equip your apprentices to lead a cluster or prepare them to start their own group. The podcast can be accessed on our Pearlside App under Small Group Leaders Resources or through Spotify and Apple Podcasts. Search for Pearlside Small Group Leaders Podcast.


Miracles Begin with a Conversation

Miracles Begin with a Conversation

Leadership Group Guide - January 2023

Every miracle Jesus performed started with a conversation. In this month’s Leadership Group Podcast, Pastor Billy Lile and Michelle Pecson discuss how beginning a conversation with those around us can lead to powerful opportunities to pray and believe for them to experience God’s presence and power. God wants to unleash miracles, signs, and wonders through His church, and our responsibility as His church is to step out in faith and pray for them.

Discussion Question & Application (45 minutes): 

  1. Share what stood out to you most from the podcast’s teaching. 

  2. Share an example of when you started a conversation with someone that led to you praying for a need in their life. What happened? How are you currently creating time in your day to have conversations and pray for those around you?

  3. How can you encourage your group members to do the same?

Prayer Points (15 minutes): 

  1. Pray that our groups will commit to living out “SALPT” in their everyday lives.

  2. Pray that God will unleash miracles, signs, and wonders as we step out in faith and pray for those around us.

  3. Pray that those we pray for will experience a fresh touch of the Holy Spirit and be drawn into a relationship with God.


  • START conversations so people can tell their stories.

  • ASK Questions.

  • LISTEN. Really listen. (Romans 12:15)

  • PRAY for them. (James 5:16)

  • TELL the truth.


Seek Week | January 10 - 12

We believe that God works miracles today by the power of the Holy Spirit to bless people and advance his kingdom. In 2023, we are believing God for miracles that will testify to his power and create new opportunities for the gospel to advance. Pearlside Church will be joining our Every Nation Global family of churches in a time of prayer, fasting, and consecration. 

Visit for more information on our prayer pockets and to download the digital version of the devotional guide.

Life Matters Seminars 2023

Enhance your Marriage & Parenting in 2023! Keith and Jennifer Tower have ministered internationally and throughout the U.S. with a fresh sense of humor and a unique insight into how relationships can thrive. They bring a unique and biblical perspective to the marriage and parenting seminars they've developed. 

For more information and to register, visit our website at

Marriage Seminar - February 25 | 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
Parenting Seminar - March 4 | 9:00 am - 11:00 am

Freedom Weekend 

Freedom Weekend is a powerful class designed to allow God to speak His truth to us, draw closer to us, and transform us in a powerful way. The goal of this class is to help us arise out of our sin and its effects into a new life of freedom and victory.

We encourage you to get your small group members to go through this class. For more information and to register, visit our website at

Both men's and women’s freedom weekend is available at the Main Campus on Saturday, January 21 at 9:00 am. This is open for everyone to attend.